By : Kuntjojo
A.     Background of the Problem
Adolescence is a phase of human development whereby someone experiences dramatic changes from a sexual to sexual. These changes mainly are marked by development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The development of sexual characteristics then causes development of sexual behavior such as attracted to another gender and having sexual drive. Sexual behavior of adolescents can lead to severe problems if it expressed uncotrolly or against the morality values. In fact, uncontrolled sexual behavior harms adolescents for three main reasons.
First of all, adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior have high risk for fail in school. Sexual behavior such as dating causes adolescents ignore their time for leaning. Beside lack time for learning, they also face a concentration problem in learning. Therefore, most of them face fail in learning some subjects even fail in school.

Second, adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior have risk of unwanted pregnancy. One of form sexual behavior is desire for making love. If adolescents don’t have good self-control, they have risk for getting pregnant. According to Alan Guttmacher Institute (2003) about 60% young people of the world experienced unwanted pregnancies. If young women experience unwanted pregnancies furthermore they face failure in finishing their studies. Billingham (1992) writes, “Pregnancy is the single most common cause of school dropout among girls; nearly 70 percents fail to complete high school”.
Finally, adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior also have high risk for infection with sexually transmitted deseases. Gonorrhea, one of sexual deseases, spreads through sexual intercourse. Adolescents will infect this desease if they have sexual intercourse with a person who already infection with this desease. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which have been known as the most horrified desease because there is no medicine for it, also spread through sexual intercourse. So, sexual intercourse outside of marriage has high risk for infection with AIDS/HIV. Research showed that up to 60 percents of HIV in young women occur by the age of 20 (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2003). According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), in the United States,  in 2006, an estimated 5,259 young people aged 13-24 in the 33 states reporting to CDC were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, representing about 14% of the persons diagnosed that year.
In summary, uncontrolled sexual behavior is harms the future and health of adolescents. Therefore, it must be prevented. According to some experts, such as Singgih Gunarso, Sarwono, Guno Asmoro, and Forest, sex education is the right choice for preventing this phenomena. Moreover, it   must be given to young people prior adolescence.
In order to reach the aims of sex education correctly, some important aspects of sex education must be understood. First, what is sex education? Second, what are the aims of sex education to adolescents? Third, how should sex education to adolescents be given? Fourth, what material should be given in sex education to adolescents? Finally, who should give sex education to adolescents?
Key words: adolescents, sexual behavior, and sex education.
B.     Discussion
Based on some question above, there are five important aspects will be discussed in this paper.
1.     What is Sex Education?
There are some experts who give the definitions about sex education. Sarwono (2002: 188-189), says, “Pendidikan seks bukanlah penerangan tentang seks semata-mata. Pendidikan seks adalah suatu informasi mengenai seksualitas manusia secara jelas dan benar, yang meliputi terjadinya pembuahan, kehamilan, sampai kelahiran, tingkah laku seksual, hubungan seksual, dan aspek-aspek kesehatan, kejiwaan dan masyarakat”. According to Sarwono, sex education is not only information about sex but also human sexuality including conception, child birth, sexual behavior relating to health, psychological, and sociological aspects.
Simon Forest, a director of UK Sex Education Forum, states, “Sex education, which is sometimes called sexuality education or sex and relationship education, is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and belief about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy”.
Based on two definitions above, sex education can be understood as follows:
a.  It is the process of acquiring information about human sexuality such as conception, pregnancy, child birth, sexual behavior, reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
b.  It is the process of developing attitudes and values relating to human sexuality.
c.   It is the process of developing interpersonal skills.
d.  It is the process of developing responsibility.
2.     What are the Aims of Sex Education to Adolescents?
Young people, especially adolescents must be given sex education in order to:
a.     help them obtain the clear and correct knowledge about sexuality;
b.     make them proud of their own sex;
c.      help them develop responsible sexual behavior;
d.     help them develop relationship skills;
e.     help them develop an ability to make decisions over their lifetime.
3.     How should Sex Education to Adolescents be Given?
There some principles that should be considered giving sex education. First, sex education is the goal oriented activity. Second, the information should be given naturally, objectively, and undoubtly. Third, sex education can be given individually and in groups. Fourth, it can be given as a preventive or corrective action. Finally, it should be given repeatedly.
4.     What material should be Given in Sex Education to Adolescents?
The aims of sex education decide what material should be given in this education. Based on its aims, the main material of sex education can be developed as follows:
a.     Information about human sexuality including growth and development, human reproduction, anatomy and physiology of genital organs, pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood, contraception, abortion, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
b.     Values and attitude about reproductive health, family life, marriage, parenthood, and condusive relationship for growing of children.
c.      Relationship and interpersonal skills including self-respect, empathy for others, communication, and assertiveness.
5.     Who should Give Sex Education to Adolescents?
Sex education should not be given by any person for two reasons. First, it is a kind of education. So, it can only be done by educators. Second, its materials has the wide scope. So, it can only mastered by certain persons.
Based on discussion above, it can be stated that sex education to adolescents must be held by the right persons. Prabhu (2006) proposes, “Sexuality education should be taught by specially  trained teachers or professionals or by trained peer groups”.
Sex educators, according to Prabhu, are teachers who have been trained for giving sex education and professionals such as physicians, psychologists, and counselors. Peer groups also can be sex educators if they have been trained for this education.
How about parents and teachers? Eventhough parents and teachers are not sex educators for adolescents, they should be involved in developing a program because of their responsibility as educators.
C.    Conclusion
In conclusion, sex education is viewed as the best way of preventing adolescents’ uncontrolled behavior. But there is a notice for it. It will succeed if its exercution based on the right understanding about it. So, person who will be the sex educator to adolescents must understand about the meaning, the aims, and the materials of sex education needed adolescents. They must understand the requirements for sex educators.
Alan Guttmacher Institute. (2003) “Sexual and Reproductive Health Education and Services for Adolescents”. (accessed: November 24, 2008).
Billingham, Khaterine. (1992) Developmental Psychology for the Health Care Professions: Parts I – Prenatal Through Adolescents Development. Colorado: Westview Press.
CDC. (2009) “Sexual Risk Behavior.” (accessed: April 20, 2009).
Forrest, Simon. (2006) “Sex Education that Works” http://www.evert.or/educate.html. (Accessed: December 3, 2008).
Prabhu, Vithal. (2006) “Sex Education.” Accessed: December 3, 2007).
Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono. (2004) Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.  


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venesia septinindar said...

In this era, perhaps the word sex is no stranger heard by anyone, whether it be teenagers, parents, in fact rarely the kids who know about sex. Now kiss, embrace, has been considered unusual even have a style of young people today. And many of them also had dared to do free sex with the opposite sex, whether it's their girlfriend or just friends. Most of them do so because of their curiosity and just want to try it. But there is also a thought without sex they are not considered to be modern or not the association. And without them knowing what they are doing is a road to destruction. Besides sex bebes also threaten the future of adolescence.
Therefore, it should be implanted in a teenager's life and taught about sex education. Not only teenagers, but parents must also know about sex education. Which teenager studying education for the knowledge itself, and to know about the dangers of casual sex. While parents learn sex education to be used as a guide in educating children to always farthest from the promiscuity of a lot going on today.


venesia septinindar said...


In this era, perhaps the word sex is no stranger heard by anyone, whether it be teenagers, parents, in fact rarely the kids who know about sex. Now kiss, embrace, has been considered unusual even have a style of young people today. And many of them also had dared to do free sex with the opposite sex, whether it's their girlfriend or just friends. Most of them do so because of their curiosity and just want to try it. But there is also a thought without sex they are not considered to be modern or not the association. And without them knowing what they are doing is a road to destruction. Besides sex bebes also threaten the future of adolescence.
Therefore, it should be implanted in a teenager's life and taught about sex education. Not only teenagers, but parents must also know about sex education. Which teenager studying education for the knowledge itself, and to know about the dangers of casual sex. While parents learn sex education to be used as a guide in educating children to always farthest from the promiscuity of a lot going on today.

all said...

Sexual education is necessary in teenage life. Indeed, in this case was to invite the pros and cons. There are those who support and there are also parties to extend the grounds that sexual education among adolescents will attack them back.
But, when we have seen, read and listen to articles you've written, I think sex education is very necessary, as long as that activity is given with a good move and correct. And of course, which gives the material is indeed the person who did understand and experts in their fields.

name : Magdalena rindu S.
class: 1-C

cytie said...

Name : Siti Romelah
Class : 1B ( English Department )
Nusantara PGRI University

Sex Education is knowledge that is very important for adolescents. By introducing Sex Education that teaches and gives knowledge about sex and gender as anatomic sex, the dangers of free sex, venereal disease, and others may introduce the teens about sex in more depth with the expectation that they understand the effects of sex and the important things related to sex and gender.
Generally, many people assume that the introduction of sex education looks porn and taboo for adolescents, actually sex education did not lead to pornography. quite the contrary, if teens do not get enough sex education will lead them closer to the free sex, unwanted pregnancies, no maintaining genital hygiene, do not understand how to avoid sex and venereal disease, and so on.

cytie said...

Name : Siti Romelah
Class : 1B ( English Department )
Nusantara PGRI University

Sex Education is knowledge that is very important for adolescents. By introducing Sex Education that teaches and gives knowledge about sex and gender as anatomic sex, the dangers of free sex, venereal disease, and others may introduce the teens about sex in more depth with the expectation that they understand the effects of sex and the important things related to sex and gender.
Generally, many people assume that the introduction of sex education looks porn and taboo for adolescents, actually sex education did not lead to pornography. quite the contrary, if teens do not get enough sex education will lead them closer to the free sex, unwanted pregnancies, no maintaining genital hygiene, do not understand how to avoid sex and venereal disease, and so on.

Anonymous said...

class :1 E/

I agree with the opinion, as with sex education are presented, we will know more about the importance and consequences of the free sex.So that, we will not do that, because we already know the consequences that would arise from the actions that should be performed .
We learn sex education through programs that are available, such as KRR, etc. or through the guidance of someone who knows more about sex education.Because teenagers are now so many who do not understand the importance of sex education, so many teenagers now who do things beyond the pale, such as free sex.Therefore, we,especially the younger generation should know about sex education

cytie said...

Name : Siti Romelah
Class : 1B ( English Department )
Nusantara PGRI University

Sex Education is knowledge that is very important for adolescents. By introducing Sex Education that teaches and gives knowledge about sex and gender as anatomic sex, the dangers of free sex, venereal disease, and others may introduce the teens about sex in more depth with the expectation that they understand the effects of sex and the important things related to sex and gender.
Generally, many people assume that the introduction of sex education looks porn and taboo for adolescents, actually sex education did not lead to pornography. quite the contrary, if teens do not get enough sex education will lead them closer to the free sex, unwanted pregnancies, no maintaining genital hygiene, do not understand how to avoid sex and venereal disease, and so on.

Anonymous said...

1 E/

I agree with the opinion, as with sex education are presented, we will know more about the importance and consequences of the free sex.So that, we will not do that, because we already know the consequences that would arise from the actions that should be performed .
We learn sex education through programs that are available, such as KRR, etc. or through the guidance of someone who knows more about sex education.Because teenagers are now so many who do not understand the importance of sex education, so many teenagers now who do things beyond the pale, such as free sex.Therefore, we,especially the younger generation should know about sex education

Anonymous said...

1 E/

I agree with the opinion, as with sex education are presented, we will know more about the importance and consequences of the free sex.So that, we will not do that, because we already know the consequences that would arise from the actions that should be performed .
We learn sex education through programs that are available, such as KRR, etc. or through the guidance of someone who knows more about sex education.Because teenagers are now so many who do not understand the importance of sex education, so many teenagers now who do things beyond the pale, such as free sex.Therefore, we,especially the younger generation should know about sex education

Anonymous said...

1 E/

I agree with the opinion, I think sex education among adolescents is necessary, so thatthey can prevent the behavior that is not control.Adolescents in Indonesia should get sexeducation, so they do not do things that harm themselves.If adolescents inIndonesia have a good sex education,it will help them to find out how good or bad ifthey behave sex.

Teens who do not get sex education they usually have a high risk of contracting HIV /AIDS.Adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior can make the teen failed to complete them school.So,I think sex education among adolescents should be given.

Anonymous said...

name : prissilia leonita
class : 1-E
english department

I agree with the existence of sex education to adolescents, although recent sex education is still considered taboo by most people. Sex education can provide knowledge to the community so as to minimize or prevent promiscuity. Teenagers will know the dangers of casual sex so they would know the dangers of casual sex. and should the parents, the neighborhood and joined the government to give attention and counseling.

Angga Sinaga said...

sex education is very important to adolescents.if adolescents don't know about sex education they will get wrong way. because sex education can control sex behaviour.there are effects because uncontrolled sex. first, they can fail their school. second, they can get unwanted pregnancy and the last they can get infection with sexual transmitted diseases. sex education must be given by profesional sex educators. sex educators must know about the meaning of sex education, the aim of sex education, how to give sex education, the material of sex education and who give sex education. without sex education, their future and their health will be broken.

name : lailatur rohmah hidayati
class : 1c
npm :

english department

Angga Sinaga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sex education is education important to be learned but not to be abused. sex education itself needs to understand because it is closely related to human development, especially the issue of maturity. one teenager usually after stepping the puberties they often have sex to satisfy the desire for curiosity. I think this needs to be considered against a juvenile in directing their puberties so as not to lead to things that tend toward sex. If this is done by a teenager then they will make sex as a requirement to be met every day without going through the bond of marriage. Here the parents are very involved in the sex of a child resolve problems. Because if this is done then they will do so out of control and neglect their creativity at their disposal during their puberties.
I think young generation should now be guided to understand the issues in sex education in order not to deviate an act that would damage the morale and self esteem and gives them the sense that it is okay doing sex when you've got the time allowed and not to be abused in the negative direction, especially for teenagers or school children.

Name : Fike Veranita
Class: 1A English Department

Anonymous said...

Sex education is education important to be learned but not to be abused. sex education itself needs to understand because it is closely related to human development, especially the issue of maturity. one teenager usually after stepping the puberties they often have sex to satisfy the desire for curiosity. I think this needs to be considered against a juvenile in directing their puberties so as not to lead to things that tend toward sex. If this is done by a teenager then they will make sex as a requirement to be met every day without going through the bond of marriage. Here the parents are very involved in the sex of a child resolve problems. Because if this is done then they will do so out of control and neglect their creativity at their disposal during their puberties.
I think young generation should now be guided to understand the issues in sex education in order not to deviate an act that would damage the morale and self esteem and gives them the sense that it is okay doing sex when you've got the time allowed and not to be abused in the negative direction, especially for teenagers or school children.

Name : Fike Veranita
Class: 1A English Department

Angga Sinaga said...

I think sex education to adolescent is so important, because in this era the adolescent have different thinking with the adolescent in the last era. In this era, the adolescent is more easy to be influenced by their environment. If their parents don’t know their association and they don’y give them the understanding about sex education, they may be able to get bad influences easily from their environment. That’s why sex education is so important, as in te passage sex given by rigth person or professional or by trained peer groups. So they must really understand about meaning, the aims, and the materials of sex education needed adolescent. And the parents must always keep their children from all influences also because the parents are important participants in this part.

Name : Binti Annafiah
Class : IC

Angga Sinaga said...

In Islam sex education is not a taboo thing. It’s nothing that should be a blameful and a hated thing. We need to know what sex is. I think sex education is not about having sex between man and woman only, but also about the knowledge of bodies,hormone,health,the preparation of being adult.

Name : Hanifah Indra Riana
Class : 1C

narti usmani said...


Prasetya Endar said...

sex education at an early age is very important, because although it is still early to know for prevention misunderstanding. because at this stage, adolescents have a curiosity about new things is very large. but still have to consider about the conveyor material. he should be able to understand about sex education and early childhood, because mistakes presenters will have fatal consequences on the development of these adolescents.

nama : Indah trilestari
kelas : I-c

Prasetya Endar said...

sex education at an early age is very important, because although it is still early to know for prevention misunderstanding. because at this stage, adolescents have a curiosity about new things is very large. but still have to consider about the conveyor material. he should be able to understand about sex education and early childhood, because mistakes presenters will have fatal consequences on the development of these adolescents.

nama : Indah trilestari
kelas : I-c

Anonymous said...

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
In my opinion, sex education is very important for adolescent. When boy or girl is becoming adolescent, there are hormonal changes in their bodies. Sex education can make them bit more information about sex. Sex education will help them in avoiding aids, unwanted pregnancy, and at time sex itself. Sex education to adolescent is the responsibility of every parent and teacher. It is better them to get the right information from their parent and teacher rather than get misinformation from other sources like friends, magazines or websites.
Some of adolescent in indonesia get wrong information about sex. It makes them learn bad habits which are very tough to quit. That is why if the parents want to prevent teenager pregnancy. They need to provide proper sexual education to their kids. So that they know the difference between safe sex and harmful sex. If parents will behave friendly with their children and talk to them about sexual problems and matters. They will definitely guide them in better way and give them best sex education.
Enlightening a adolescent is the best preventive policy to tackle the growing health problems in this age group. When the children entered age 7-8 years was the right time when we can start teaching our child about sex. They need to understand very early that “ it is better to be safe than sorry “. I think that’s all my opinion, thanks for your attention sir . . . .
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Name : Tutik Setyowati
Class : 1-A English Department

arrifaminudin said...


I think sex education is crucial given to teens because I think adolescence is a phase of human development in which a person undergo a change from the change seksual.remaja dramastis have uncontrollable sexual behavior are also at high risk of contracting sexual transmitted diseases in adolescents would be to have sexually transmitted diseases if they do hub.seks. uncontrolled sexual behavior is detrimental to the future and health.

arrifaminudin said...

I think sex education is crucial given to teens because I think adolescence is a phase of human development in which a person undergo a change from the change seksual.remaja dramastis have uncontrollable sexual behavior are also at high risk of contracting sexual transmitted diseases in adolescents would be to have sexually transmitted diseases if they do hub.seks. uncontrolled sexual behavior is detrimental to the future and health.

riakresnawati said...

Name : Ria Hadi Kresnawati
Class : 1-B

I think sex education is very important for adolescents. This should be given through formal and informal education. Sex education for adolescents can prevent things that are not desirable. If sex education is not given to teenagers, they will find out by themselves about it through friends, reading porn, watching porn, etc. Their curiosity about the actions that are prohibited, may influence them to make bad choices. Their strong curiosity about sex can cause them to do free sex. And as we know that free sex is dangerous. Adolescents need to be taught about sex so that they can be warned about all the risks and dangers associated with it, such as: pregnancy outside marriage and venereal diseases etc. Giving sex education to adolescents will help to prevent those risks.

Santri Bintang Songo said...

I think sex education is very important , because sex are of one problem which shouldn't be done. Free sex can cause many disease, one of them is HIV AIDS. Maybe with any sosialization about sex education can increase aware them.
Sex education should be given early and as a deciding factor, families must provide more oversight, especially in young adolescent girls. So, adoloscent haven't high risk for fail in school and can br better generation for the future.

Name : Hilda Aditya N.
Class : I G

Santri Bintang Songo said...

I think sex education is very important , because sex are of one problem which shouldn't be done. Free sex can cause many disease, one of them is HIV AIDS. Maybe with any sosialization about sex education can increase aware them.
Sex education should be given early and as a deciding factor, families must provide more oversight, especially in young adolescent girls. So, adoloscent haven't high risk for fail in school and can br better generation for the future.

Name : Hilda Aditya N.
Class : I G

putune mbah said...


Teenagers reproductive education should be given in order to have correct information about the reproductive process and the various factors that are nearby. With the right information, teens are expected to have the attitude and behavior are responsible for the reproductive process. Development of the education system and reproductive health services for adolescents is useful to protect them from the risk of early marriage, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted infections, HIV / AIDS, and sexual violence.
A major challenge in reproductive education is how to overcome the view that anything that smells of sex is taboo to be discussed by people who are not married, because teenagers often feel uncomfortable or taboo to talk about sexuality and reproductive health. However, the curiosity factor makes them try to get information about it. Teenagers often feel that their parents refused to discuss sexual problems.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Name : Anggun Mahireni
Class : IC

In my opinion, sex education for adolescent is very important and become a necessary. Because nowadays, based on the trustworthy source many teenagers have done sexual activity.Teaching sex as a subject with out moral obligation, the association of love, marriage and procreation is the lesser way to educate and build a nation. Sexual activity is a wonderful physical activity, besides being enjoyable, part of the longitevity of mankind, hence pro creation, for without children we would be extinct, however is not and never was meant to be a singular activity.It is very necessary to understand the child about sex, but must be balanced with understanding the norms, morals and good faith, so that children will be able to apply in their lives well too.And also, absolutely for teenagers must give religion knowladge very much.
So it will be with this education bill, the nation will reap the whirl wind of greater sexual problems in the future with liberisation of sex habits and compulsory sex education.

Angga Sinaga said...

Name : Rilly Muklis
Class : I C

In my opinion, education is very important sec, karnanya now many behaviors occur menyinpang to sek and widespread occurrence of free sex. Anak_anak and aremaja vulnerable to misinformation about sex. If it does not get knowledge of the proper sex education, they will think and be consumed myths about sex that is not true. Nearly 50% of teenagers in Indonesia already had sex before marriage, it is very alarming. Many people wonder why they do it, even people tuapun blaming each other. The main cause is, because of the lack of sex education to children and remajaoleh therefore the need and importance of sex education. Sex education is very important given early, in order to avoid the incident beyond what we expected, such as early pregnancy or premarital when children grow into adolescence and during adulthood. The role of parents in sex education is very important, especially early on, because children need to get proper sex education from their parents, not from others. Because curiosity is large enough, if the child is not provided sex education early on, then the child will seek the answer from someone else, and would be more dangerous if the sex information obtained from peers or the internet. Therefore, the importance of sex education from an early age by parents in an appropriate manner.

Angga Sinaga said...

Name : Silaturohmah
Class : I-C

The aim is of prepare the adolescents of today to be productive, to have responsible and positive social-sexual behaviour, and to be caring and healthy adults of tomorrow. The need for this is knowledge, attitudes and skill gained through sequential sexuality education programme. Sexuality education should be taught by specially trained teachers or professionals or by trained peer groups. The community must be involved in the development and implementation of the programme. The programme must be carefully developed to respect the diversity of the values and beliefs represented by the community. Parents, teachers, administrators should be involved in developing a programme. In fact, briefing them about the developed programme prior to its implementation to students is quite essential. Preferably, the curriculum and the audiovisuals should be pretested.

Angga Sinaga said...

Name : Alia Rachmiharti
Class : I-C

To acquire information, beliefs and values about identity, relationships, intimacy and reproductive biology. To understand the positive view of sexuality. To provide information and skills about taking care of and to promote their sexual health. To help them make decisions now and in future. To prepare for marriage and responsible parenthood. To learn to enjoy and control their sexual behaviour and to promote responsible reproductive behaviour. For freedom from shame, guilt and false beliefs about sexuality. Sexuality education is a life long process of acquiring information, forming attitudes beliefs and values. Sex education should begin whenever the child asks the question, regardless of age of the child. If the children are old enough to ask questions, they are old enough to get the answers. Some children ask questions about sex by the age of three years. Others may ask earlier or later. Whenever the child asks the first question about sex, it is the time for the parents to answer.

NencyAnne said...

yaa,, sex education is very good for us. for teenager,parrents and candidate of parrents like us. we can give knolwladge to our children next.we can know many knowledge in sex education. not only reproduction lesson but also anatomy of genre.
by sex education we can reduce free sex in our country, and we will keep and do sex healty.
name: M.bintoro
class: IA
NPM 10101080169
english department

NencyAnne said...

yaaa,,,sex education is very useful for us especially for parenys and candidate of parents.. sex education is usefull also for our children next.
by sex education wecan get so many knowledge not only reprpduction lesson but also anatomy of genre. and we can reduce free sex and do sex healty
name :M. bintoro
Class: IA
english department

NencyAnne said...

yaaa,,,sex education is very useful for us especially for parenys and candidate of parents.. sex education is usefull also for our children next.
by sex education wecan get so many knowledge not only reprpduction lesson but also anatomy of genre. and we can reduce free sex and do sex healty
name :M. bintoro
Class: IA
english department

black said...

sex education is very useful for us especially for parenys and candidate of parents. sex education is usefull also for our children next.
by sex education wecan get so many knowledge not only reprpduction lesson but also anatomy of genre. and we can reduce free sex and do sex healty
name :M. bintoro
Class: IA
english department

black said...

sex education is very useful for us especially for parenys and candidate of parents. it is useful also for our children next.
by sex education wecan get so many knowledge not only reprpduction lesson but also anatomy of genre. and we can reduce free sex and do sex healty
name :M. bintoro
Class: IA
english department

black said...

sex education is very useful for us especially for parenys and candidate of parents. it is useful also for our children next.
by sex education wecan get so many knowledge not only reprpduction lesson but also anatomy of genre. and we can reduce free sex and do sex healty
name :M. bintoro
Class: IA
english department

shooshy said...

I think sex education is very important that young people today are not easy to fall into things that are negative. it is also necessary so that teens know the dangers of promiscuity and disease that will probably suffer if they do so. in addition, this education will also teach young people to be able to maintain the cleanliness of genitals. itulan for sex education was very necessary for the youth since the early

Name: SUSIATI Ningsih
Class: 1B
Prodi: English

Anonymous said...


I agree with the statement above, sex education should begin at an early age. It is intended to allow the younger generation aware of the dangers of casual sex acceptable result. Besides sex education from an early age also tend to make not increase the pregnancy at an early age. With the existence of sex education since the beginning of adolescence will open the minds of teenagers, so they were able to control their sexual desires.

Anonymous said...


After I read your post, I think the same and probably should have sex education young age (puberty) is very important to prevent unintended pregnancies by teenagers in particular. With the knowledge of sex and danger, then the teens will better anticipate such hazards. Many teens are not aware of the dangers that will be covered because of promiscuity.

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