By : Kuntjojo
A. Background of the Problem
Adolescence is a phase of human development whereby someone experiences dramatic changes from a sexual to sexual. These changes mainly are marked by development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The development of sexual characteristics then causes development of sexual behavior such as attracted to another gender and having sexual drive. Sexual behavior of adolescents can lead to severe problems if it expressed uncotrolly or against the morality values. In fact, uncontrolled sexual behavior harms adolescents for three main reasons.
First of all, adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior have high risk for fail in school. Sexual behavior such as dating causes adolescents ignore their time for leaning. Beside lack time for learning, they also face a concentration problem in learning. Therefore, most of them face fail in learning some subjects even fail in school.
Second, adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior have risk of unwanted pregnancy. One of form sexual behavior is desire for making love. If adolescents don’t have good self-control, they have risk for getting pregnant. According to Alan Guttmacher Institute (2003) about 60% young people of the world experienced unwanted pregnancies. If young women experience unwanted pregnancies furthermore they face failure in finishing their studies. Billingham (1992) writes, “Pregnancy is the single most common cause of school dropout among girls; nearly 70 percents fail to complete high school”.
Finally, adolescents who have uncontrolled sexual behavior also have high risk for infection with sexually transmitted deseases. Gonorrhea, one of sexual deseases, spreads through sexual intercourse. Adolescents will infect this desease if they have sexual intercourse with a person who already infection with this desease. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which have been known as the most horrified desease because there is no medicine for it, also spread through sexual intercourse. So, sexual intercourse outside of marriage has high risk for infection with AIDS/HIV. Research showed that up to 60 percents of HIV in young women occur by the age of 20 (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2003). According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), in the United States, in 2006, an estimated 5,259 young people aged 13-24 in the 33 states reporting to CDC were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, representing about 14% of the persons diagnosed that year.
In summary, uncontrolled sexual behavior is harms the future and health of adolescents. Therefore, it must be prevented. According to some experts, such as Singgih Gunarso, Sarwono, Guno Asmoro, and Forest, sex education is the right choice for preventing this phenomena. Moreover, it must be given to young people prior adolescence.
In order to reach the aims of sex education correctly, some important aspects of sex education must be understood. First, what is sex education? Second, what are the aims of sex education to adolescents? Third, how should sex education to adolescents be given? Fourth, what material should be given in sex education to adolescents? Finally, who should give sex education to adolescents?
Key words: adolescents, sexual behavior, and sex education.
B. Discussion
Based on some question above, there are five important aspects will be discussed in this paper.
1. What is Sex Education?
There are some experts who give the definitions about sex education. Sarwono (2002: 188-189), says, “Pendidikan seks bukanlah penerangan tentang seks semata-mata. Pendidikan seks adalah suatu informasi mengenai seksualitas manusia secara jelas dan benar, yang meliputi terjadinya pembuahan, kehamilan, sampai kelahiran, tingkah laku seksual, hubungan seksual, dan aspek-aspek kesehatan, kejiwaan dan masyarakat”. According to Sarwono, sex education is not only information about sex but also human sexuality including conception, child birth, sexual behavior relating to health, psychological, and sociological aspects.
Simon Forest, a director of UK Sex Education Forum, states, “Sex education, which is sometimes called sexuality education or sex and relationship education, is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and belief about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy”.
Based on two definitions above, sex education can be understood as follows:
a. It is the process of acquiring information about human sexuality such as conception, pregnancy, child birth, sexual behavior, reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
b. It is the process of developing attitudes and values relating to human sexuality.
c. It is the process of developing interpersonal skills.
d. It is the process of developing responsibility.
2. What are the Aims of Sex Education to Adolescents?
Young people, especially adolescents must be given sex education in order to:
a. help them obtain the clear and correct knowledge about sexuality;
b. make them proud of their own sex;
c. help them develop responsible sexual behavior;
d. help them develop relationship skills;
e. help them develop an ability to make decisions over their lifetime.
3. How should Sex Education to Adolescents be Given?
There some principles that should be considered giving sex education. First, sex education is the goal oriented activity. Second, the information should be given naturally, objectively, and undoubtly. Third, sex education can be given individually and in groups. Fourth, it can be given as a preventive or corrective action. Finally, it should be given repeatedly.
4. What material should be Given in Sex Education to Adolescents?
The aims of sex education decide what material should be given in this education. Based on its aims, the main material of sex education can be developed as follows:
a. Information about human sexuality including growth and development, human reproduction, anatomy and physiology of genital organs, pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood, contraception, abortion, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
b. Values and attitude about reproductive health, family life, marriage, parenthood, and condusive relationship for growing of children.
c. Relationship and interpersonal skills including self-respect, empathy for others, communication, and assertiveness.
5. Who should Give Sex Education to Adolescents?
Sex education should not be given by any person for two reasons. First, it is a kind of education. So, it can only be done by educators. Second, its materials has the wide scope. So, it can only mastered by certain persons.
Based on discussion above, it can be stated that sex education to adolescents must be held by the right persons. Prabhu (2006) proposes, “Sexuality education should be taught by specially trained teachers or professionals or by trained peer groups”.
Sex educators, according to Prabhu, are teachers who have been trained for giving sex education and professionals such as physicians, psychologists, and counselors. Peer groups also can be sex educators if they have been trained for this education.
How about parents and teachers? Eventhough parents and teachers are not sex educators for adolescents, they should be involved in developing a program because of their responsibility as educators.
C. Conclusion
In conclusion, sex education is viewed as the best way of preventing adolescents’ uncontrolled behavior. But there is a notice for it. It will succeed if its exercution based on the right understanding about it. So, person who will be the sex educator to adolescents must understand about the meaning, the aims, and the materials of sex education needed adolescents. They must understand the requirements for sex educators.
Alan Guttmacher Institute. (2003) “Sexual and Reproductive Health Education and Services for Adolescents”. (accessed: November 24, 2008).
Billingham, Khaterine. (1992) Developmental Psychology for the Health Care Professions: Parts I – Prenatal Through Adolescents Development. Colorado: Westview Press.
CDC. (2009) “Sexual Risk Behavior.” (accessed: April 20, 2009).
Forrest, Simon. (2006) “Sex Education that Works” http://www.evert.or/educate.html. (Accessed: December 3, 2008).
Prabhu, Vithal. (2006) “Sex Education.” Accessed: December 3, 2007).
Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono. (2004) Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»Nama : Ajeng Puspaningtyas
NIM : 10.001
Universitas Nusantara IKIP PGRI
Program Study Kebidanan DIII
menurut saya pendidikan seks untuk remaja sangat penting karena dengan adanya pendidikan itu para remaja tahu bagaimana bahayanya tentang pergaulan bebas. selama ini anak remaja sangat populer dengan namanya seks bebas, mereka terobsesi dengan kata GAUL, dengan melakukan seks bebas maka mereka merasa sudah gaul, padahal mereka itu bukannya gaul malah yang ada digauli. Dengan adanya pendidikan seks bebas mulai sejak dini, menyadarkan kepada remaja agar menjauhi yang namanya seks bebas dkalangan remaja. Peranan yang penting dalam hal itu adalah orang tua .
nama : Titis Ardila
NIM : 10.032
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program study Akedemi Kebidanan DIII
menurut saya, pendidikan sex bebas perlu dipelajari sejak dini ,dikarnakan awal dari seorang remaja mengetahui kejelasan dari semua akibat dr kenakaln remaja adalah sejak dini.resiko yang diterima ketika remaja melakukan sex bebas gonore, hiv,..itu penting!!,,dampingan orang tua dan tenaga kesehatan sangatlah penting..mulai sekarang ajarkan pengetahuan/pendidikan sex secara dini..
nama : Ira Fatmawati
NIM : 10.021
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
Menurut saya, pendidikan sex sangat penting untuk remaja khususnya remaja SMA. karean di usia itu saatnya masa - masa puber anak remaja. dimanan anak remaja mencari jati dirinya untuk berkembang. dimasa ini lah , perlu diwajibkan untuk pendidikan tentang bahayanya seks . Bahaya seks sangatlah merugikan terutama bagi kaum perempuan. Melakukan hubungan badan disaat masih sekolah dan waktu untuk melanjutkan ke sekolah tinggi terhambat karenan bahaya seks tersdebut. dari situlah sangat pentingnya pendidikan seks itu diadakan di sekolah - sekloah. terimakasih .
nama : Niarika Puri Tantri
NIM : 10.025
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
pendapat saya, pendidikan sexsual sejak dini sangat penting karena anak - anak remaja sekarang pergaulannya yang sangat bebas terutama dikota - kota besar. sehingga diperlukan pendidikan seks itu, supaya para remaja mengetahui dampak dari pergaulan bebas tersebut, seperti penularan HIV, AIDS, Gonorre, hamil diluar nikah. dari dampak itu semua para remaja mengerti tentang bahaya seks tersebut sehingga tidak terjerumus dari pergaulan bebas.
nama : Dewi Fatimah Zuhroh
NIM : 10.010
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
menurut pendapat saya, pendidikan seks bebas itu penting untuk mengurangi seks bebas yang merajalela di zaman modern ini. seks bebas itu ada karena kesalahan penggunaan IPTEK, kurangnya perhatian orang tua, tidak adanya pendidikan seks di sekolah karena masih dianggap tabu sehingga pelajaran tersebut tidak diajarkan sejak dini, padahal pendidikan sek itu sangatlah penting. bahaya dari seks bebas itu sendiri adalah terjangkit HIV/AIDS, Gonorre, hamil diluar nikah dll. dari dampak tersebut para remaja paham akan bahaya seks bebas sehingga mereka tidak akan melakukan perbuatan tersebut. dengan adanya perhatian dari orangtua, pendidikan seks yang baik, dan iman yang kuat para remaj akan dikembalikan kejalan yang benar. semua akan indah pada waktunya . thanks you ... :)
nama : Diana Puspitasari
NIM : 10.011
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
pendidikan seks merupakan suatu proses untuk memperoleh informasi dan membentuk sikap serta keyakinan mengenai seks, identitas seksual serta hubungan. pendidikan seks juga dapat membantu remaja untuk memeliki kemampuan, sehingga mereka dapat bertindak sesuai apa yang mereka yakini dengan percaya diri. hal ini juga dapat membantu mereka untuk menghindari terjadinya penyalahgunaan seksual, eksploitasi seksual, terjadinya kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, serta penularan penyakit seksual dan penularan penyakitan HIV dan AIDS.
nama : Barradhita AT
NIM : 10.007
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
assalamualaikum ..
menurut saya tentang pentingnya pendidikan seks pada remaja sangat penting sebab pada masa remaja adalah masa yang tidak labil karena pada masa remaja mudah dipengaruhi hal - hal yang positif maupun negatif. dengan iman yang kuat, pendidikan seks yang baik, maka insyallah para remaja akan terhindar dari seks bebas. wassalam .
nama : Etika A
NIM : 10.015
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
menurut saya, pendidikan seksual asanghat penting terutama pada usia remaja maka dari itu perlu pengawasan dari orang tua dan sebagai tenaga kesehatan perlu melakukan penyuluhan terhadap hal tersebut dan remaja perlu belajar tentang pengetahuan pendidikan seksual sejak dini. terimakasih .
nama : Ana Dahliana
NIM : 10.002
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Program Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
menurut saya sex education sudah seharusnya diberikan kepada remaja upaya ini perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.mengingat masa remaja menghadapi tekanan emosi dan sosial yang saling bertentangan.dengan seks education diharapkan remaja dapat menjaga organ-organ reproduksi pada tubuh mereka dan orang lain tidak boleh menyentuh organ reproduksinya khususnya bagi remaja putri.
nama : Siti Nur Afifah
NIM : 10.028
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Progam Study Akademi Kebidanan DIII
Menurut saya sex education sangat penting diberikan untuk remaja,karena pada masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari anank menuju dewasa dan masa ini,remaja mudah terpengaruh dengan hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti pergaulan bebas dan akhirnya akan terjadi hubungan seks di luar nikah.Pada masa ini remaja juga belum mencapai tahap kematangan mental dan sosial sehingga mereka harus menghadapi tekanan-tekanan emosi dan sosial yang saling bertentangan.Oleh sebab itu sangat diperlukan pendidikan seksual sejak dini dan pengawasan orang tua terhadap anaknya terutama pada anak perempuan atau remaja putri.
nama : ika liza
NIM :10.020
Progam study DIII Kebidanan
menurut saya remaja adalah fase perkembangan manusiadimana seseorang mengalaminperubahan dramastis dari perubahan seksual.remaja memiliki perilaku sekssua yang tak terkontrol juga beresiko tinggi untuk terinfeksi penyakit menular pada seks remaja akan akan mempunyai penyakit menular seks jika mereka melakukan hub.seks. perilaku seksual yang tidak terkontrol ini merugikan masa depan dan kesehatan.
nama : Jiamah
NIM : 10.022
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Prodi DIII Kebidanan
Menurut pendapat saya pendidikan seksual pada masa remaja sangat penting sebab pada masa remaja merupakan masa perubahan dari anak-anak menjadi remaja,dimana pada masa remaja ini mental sosial dan emosional mulai berkembang menuju kematangan.Sebab pada masa-masa itu sering timbul masalah-masalah yang bertentangan,sehingga pendidikan seksual sejak dini perlu diberikan,karena remaja merupakan Tunas Bangsa.
nama : Atik Murdiani
NIM : 10.006
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Prodi DIII Kebidanan
Menurut saya perkembangan remaja dimana masa-masa perubahan drastis terutama ditandai dengan perkembangan karakteristik seksual primer.Remaja akan menulari penyakit ini jika mereka melakukan seksual yang tidak terkontrol memiliki resiko tinggi.Jadi pendidikan ini penting banget bagi remaja.
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
Prodi DIII Kebidanan
Masa remaja adalah masa peralihan dimana seseorang berpindah dari kanak-kanak menjadi dewasa, dalam masa ini berbagai perubahan jasmaniah, rohaniah, dan sosial terjadi dengan jelas. Perubahan itu biasanya disertai oleh bernacam-macam problema yang timbul karena tidak dipersiapakannya jiwa remaja untuk menghadapi perubahan tersebut ditambah lagi dengan tidak dimengertinya orang tua, guru dan masyarakat tentang ciri pertumbuhan remaja itu sendiri dan oleh sebab itu timbul berbagai problema remaja dan bila problema itu tidak terselesaikan maka akan muncul kenakalan remaja. Oleh sebab itu sangat dibutuhkan perhatian orang tua dan masyarakat dalam menghadapi problema remaja agar tidak menjurus pada kenakalan remaja. Pemerintah seharusnya lebih memperhatikan remaja yaitu dengan memberi kemudahan bagi remaja dalam pendidikan seperti memudahkan administrasi keuangan sekolah bagi anak yang tidak mampu sehingga keuangan sekolah akan sedikit terbantu dan remaja tidak terjerumus pada kejahatan.
nama : susi anggraini
NIM : 10.029
Universitas Nusantara PGRI
progam study akademi kebidanan DIII
Karena masa remaja adalah masa yang sangat di dominasi dengan masalah - masalah seksual,maka pendidikan seks sangat penting untuk para remaja untuk mengantisipasi masalah yang ditimbulkan akibat minimnya pengetahuan akan hal itu.
Pentingnya pendidikan seks untuk para remaja adalah agar anak mengetahui fungsi organ seks serta tanggung jawab yang ada pada dirinya serta halal haram yang berkaitan dengan organ seksdan panduan menghindari penyimpangan dalam perilaku seksual mereka sejak dini.
Jadi pada intinya para remaja harus mengetahui solusi / pencegahannya yaitu:1. Dengan meminimalkan hal - hal yang merangsang,mengekang,ledakan - ledakan nafsu dan menguasainya.2. Dengan menjaga diri(mempertebal keimanan kepada Tuhan YME)
nama: Ana Dwi Artini
Nim: 10.003
Selamat Sore Pak ?
Menurut saya pendidikan seks bagi remaja sangat penting karena untuk membentuk pribadi dan perilaku seorang anak , kalau tidak mereka akan melanggar norma yang ada , jadi sebagai orang tua wajib mengetahui dan memberi pengarahan untuk anaknya , agar tidak terjerumus.Thank's.
nama : fitra
NIM : 10.018
menurut pendapat saya, bahwa remaja adalah masa - masa yg sangat labil, jadi dgn diadakannya pendidikan seks sangat lah penting bagi remaja. untuk mengurangi atau mencegah terjadinya resiko tinggi atau hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti salah satunya, hamil diluar nikah, berhubunga seks belum nikah,dll . yang saat ini sedang marak - maraknya dan menjadikan para remaja sebagai penerus bangsa yang tidak menyimpang dari norma - norma yang ada. jadi pendidikan seks pada remaja sangatlah penting.
nama :Ferlia
NIM :10.016
Sex education mengapa tidak. Meski banyak orang, terutama para orang tua yang menganggap tabu, tapi hal itu penting. Contoh yang paling sederhana, bisa mencegah tindakan yang tidak senonoh seperti tindakan pencabulan yang marak terjadi pada remaja
(khususnya remaja putri) belakangan ini, terkait dengan cara berpakaian remaja saat ini yang cenderung terbuka-buka, bisa mengundang hawa nafsu yang dapat mengarah ke sex bebas. Sehingga kalau saya boleh memberi pendapat. Menurut saya sex education dimulai tidak pada usia remaja tapi pada usia anak-anak, yang terpenting cara menjelaskannya menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengeti dan dipahami oleh anak-anak pula. Karena semakin awal kita menanamkannya dengan memberikan penjelasan tentang seks terhadap anak-anak, semangkin mereka akan mengerti bagaimana bahayanya seks, dan akan semakin mudah pula anak akan mengingatnya di masa remajanya.
NIM : 10.008
Menurut pendapat saya,pendidikan sekual pada remaja itu sangat penting agar para remaja dapat mengetahuinya dan tidak cenderung pada penyimpangan sexsual. karena kita tahu pergaulan bebas yang sudah merajai kehidupan para remaja saat ini sangat memicu para remaja untuk melakukan penyimpangan seksual . oleh sebab itu sangat perlu diadakan pendidikan sexsual pada remaja agar perilaku sexsual tidak meluas meskipun masih ada. saya berharap para remaja dpat menyadarinya dan terus berusaha menjga harga diri masing2 . karena remaja adalah harapan remaja. thanks .
Nama : Fransiska Narti
NIM : 10.019
Jurusan : D-3 Kebidanan PGRI Kediri
Good evening,
Nowadays there are so many accidents because of sexuality. For example unwanted pregnancy, abortion, human trafcking, etc. So, according to my opinion, Sex education for adolescents is very important.Because in adolence phase,humans emotion is not labile yet. Beside that, they have a big curiosity. So, by education about sex, they will know what is sex and also its risks.
My opinion about sex educations to adolescents is very important to our live, and very good for the teen's own. Why? because there is many adolescents who really don't know about sex. Thay usually sexual abuse, thay don't know efect of sex, only vent their lust to get momentary pleasure, get a big sin, do not know that in diseases caused sex.
So that way sex educations to adolescents i agree. And religious knowledge should be deepened. Especially women have to really look after yourself, For men do not regard low and do not invite women to do things that are not supposed to be done when dating or friendship, For teens marry before performing sex ties.
Name : imam safi'i
My opinion about sex education to adolescents is important because at the present time many young people who do not understand what the terms sex and the dangers of sex.because now a lot of teenagers who had put trough a relasionship like husband and wife and many of those who become pregnant outside of marriage.several teenagers had also been put trough happy petting with a patner.
So sex education to adolescents is very important and parents also have an important role on th education of their children and do not forget to always keep an eye on all of his behavior at school and at home.
Name: Nisma Khoirinnawati
English Department
name : setya afriawan
class : one_dhe class ( 1D )
departement : english departement
year : 2010 / 2011
assalamualaikum wr.wb
this is my opinion :
I think sex education is very important for future supplies. like material that is already in the lift on blogspot, sex outside of marriage is a very warm and is still discussed in the present. sex education should be given from the junior secondary level due to hormonal changes in sexuality are very fast and the environment influence the youth of today are very likely to have sex outside of marriage. apart from school education or sex education materials, supervision of youth itself must be considered.
in taking into account the behavior of teens today have to work together with various related parties, such as the school, the family, the community and other parties. maybe it's just my opinion and advice. more or less on my comments, I apologize profusely.
Thank you.
wassalamualaikum wr.wb
Class : I-D
English Department 2010/2011
in my opinion ;
talking about sex education is very crusial, it is about positive and negative effect. your article is good enough sir, completly from meaning of sex education, till how to arrange sex education for children espcesially.
Sex education may become good planing for knowledge in the future, with good plan and perfect implementation. Not just the parents of children have to take this responsibility, but the goverment have to support sex education on the school.
Assalam'mualaikum .............
I think that good sex education in teens is very important, because
Adolescence is a transitional period in which a person moves from childhood into adulthood, in this period various changes in physical, spiritual, and social happening clearly. Change is usually accompanied by a variety of bernacam problems may arise for the soul dipersiapakannya teenagers to deal with these changes coupled with incomprehensible parents, teachers and communities about the features of adolescent growth itself and hence arise various problems in adolescence and when the problem was not resolved then it will appear juvenile delinquency. Therefore much needed attention of parents and communities in dealing with adolescent problems that do not lead to juvenile delinquency.
sex education in teens is also very necessary to reduce the rampant free sex in modern times. free sex exists because of misuse of science and technology, lack of parental supervision, lack of sex education in schools because it is still considered taboo, so these lessons are not taught from an early age, when education is very important sec. dangers of sex itself is infected with HIV / AIDS, Gonorre, pregnancy outside marriage, etc.. The impact of the teens understand the dangers of casual sex so they would not do such actions. with the attention of parents, sex education is good, strong faith and youth will form the self and the true and healthy personality.
Walaikum'mussalam ...........
Name : Tiara pramitha S
class : 1-D
Sex education for adolescents is necessary because A teenager must know oneself as a teen, and what he has. By know what they have can certainly keep up, or do what is necessary and not necessary. Here the role of parents is very important in caring, what more in the days of a completely open as it is today. Do not let children become victims of technological or promiscuity. not only that too, adolescence is a period where a person has a desire to know a very high This happens one of them due to the increased boost hormones like progesterone and testosterone, in addition to adolescence as well as the search for identity, therefore, the responsibility and educational task of parents against children must be improved so that various problems of adolescent development can be controlled.
Sex education better given when we child.I think that more young is better.because when we child,we more easy to accept matery and we will always remember it until we adolecents and adult.When the educator explain about sex education they must also explain about the deseases that can attack them if they do freesex.
So adolencets can think by themselves before they do it.Beside it family and friends very improve them.Then parents must always control and understood their children and they must became friend to their children.Tell to them that Something will be beautiful at the time and about friend,the good adolecents also can choose good friend.
Name:Dewi Purdi Anti
English Depatrment
I think that the statement is true because at adolescence, teens begin to convey the freedom and right to express their own opinions. teenagers started mngalami extraordinary physical changes both growth and sexuality.
adolescents often become too confident and this together with his emotions, which usually resulted in their increased difficulty receiving the advice of his parents. they are more easily influenced by peers. sexual curiosity and trial and error they are very high, so they often spend time with friends, hanging out at the roadside, often skipping school, often create problems in school, even they often spend time with going out and doing something that ought not to do so resulted in their expulsion.
Name: Evra Kurniati
English Education
Sex education or education on reproductive health should be given to children who have grown up or adolescents, both through formal and informal education. It is important to prevent bias in sex education among teenagers. Besides knowledge about sex can reduce the AIDS disease due to pregnancy out of wedlock. Especially at this time every region in Indonesia, almost 60% of the teenage population is not a virgin anymore. This is due to a lack of knowledge of actual sex, they too followed without thinking of the result of sexual desire that can ruin their future. They are wrong to express a sense of love for the opposite sex.
By learning about sex education, teens can understand the truth about sex and sexuality are essential and medical knowledge. Teens can keep the reproductive organs on their bodies and others should not touch the reproductive organs, especially for young girls.
Class : IG
Name : Donny
Class: 1D
I think sex education is important because in this era where many young women of school age who are forced to quit school due to pregnancy because having sex with her boyfriend.
Both young women or men is the recommended to understand about sex education, because during this time may be teenagers just think that sex is only limited to making out and getting sex satisfaction afterwards. But sex was very important to note because in sex there are important aspects to note from a healthy sex to diseases that might arise because sex.
By because it is sex education should be implemented as early as possible in the schools so the students understand about sex and its dangers.
I think sex education is useful to increase knowledge of sexual on each youth in recognizing the opponent type. adolescent curiosity is very high in the search for information about sex is through the Internet, pornographic books and others. many teenagers who do not know the consequences will be brought about of intercourse / sex.
adolescence easy to do porn caused by curiosity
know, so negative on the opposite sex.
sex education to adolescents will prevent uncontrolled behavior of the self their own. teens often forget rights and obligations as
students, they always choose to watch porn videos on the Internet as satisfaction of fulfilling a desire. education sex plays a major role in build, improve, develop primary and secondary sexual characters.
name : Fery febrianto
class : I D
prodi : English Department
Many people think that sex is something negative, but actually I think that’s not true at all, why? Because sex is God’s blessing. I think sex as one of the essential human needs that must be properly satisfied. It is necessary of the human beings.
As parent should give their children sex education for knowledge to controlle their children’s sexsual behavior in the future. The function of sex education is to prevent MBA or Married By Accident, sexual freedom and also prevent pregnancy for adolescent. Islam regards marriage as a mean for better moral values, preservation of the moral values of the human society. So guys…..if you want to practice sex so you must marriage firstly and ofcourse with grown-up enough. Ok I think that’s all my opinion. Thank You!
name: Nyimas Dhini Widyaningrum
class: 1A English Department
Many people love sex, but i think that sex is a something that we need to learn, because the risk is dangerous for us as a teenager. so don't try before you married. now days so many people said that a child need to learn bout sex education, because with sex education it can give understanding about the effect of free sex. so they will think twice to do free sex.
So, now for us as a teenager, we must respect to each other, especially to our girl or boyfriend. keep your life better, and save your future with say no to free sex. Thanks...
Name: A. Zaenal F.
Class: 1A English Department
I think sex education is very important for adolescents. because teenagers are the most vulnerable period compared with childhood and old age. in the presence of sexual education they will know and be aware of the dangers of promiscuity. teenagers who already understand the dangers of promiscuity by knowledge will avoid actions that make them fall into the promiscuity of free sex. as a teenager should have a good personality and equip themselves with strong faith
Name:Esti yunis muryana
Class:1-D (English department)
sex education is very important for us.,because sex education can give us about information that sex is very dangerous for young leaners if they are in wrong way. we should know the negative effect of sex. for example are: high risk for fail in school, unwanted pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and many more. so, I hope if sex education is given, it can help to decrease about free sex, HIV/AIDS and another bad effect to young leaners.
name:ryen putri.c
Today we life in globalization era, that many think that can enter in all country. Like about development in technology, education, information, culture and others. But something that become the big problem in all country about the negative effect of globalization, especially that caused by culture exchange. In our country there are many problem that caused by this culture exchange.
The biggest problem is about free sex. That indicated by free association. Their are many teenager that imitate free association from foreign country, and the effect is free sex that can cause a lot of problem like marriage by accident, abortion and others. There are many teenager in our county that become the victim of this cases. So it is better for us to take good solution how to overcome this problem. The good solution is Sex Education for our teenager as our young generation.
I think, Sex education to adolescent is good solution. Because sex education can give good information about the dangerous of free sex that will be given by the expert of sex education. Beside that it can become the media for our government to keep our teenager from the dangerous of free sex and as the media from our government to show their responsibility that can save our teenager. Thank you .
Name : Ika Aliya Kusumawati
Class : 1 A English Department
I think sex education is very important because many people especially all teenagers can't control their sex attitude. we should know the meaning and the purpose of sex education. so, we can keep and control our sex attitude and we can prevent free sex.
name: hakim mushobirin
I think about sex education is needed. If you need to have been taught since dinipengertian sex in it so the children know that learning about sex-related does not mean it's pornographic. Children should be given a knowledge of sex that he does not abuse the knowledge about sex. The remajapun must be too because they've experienced during puberty that teenagers do not have sex at random and so able to maintain their morale so that they do not do things that can ruin their future.
Name : Alfian Aditama
Class : 1D
I think sexual education is important for teenagers. because to tell the significance of the sexual. benefits of sexual understanding may learn the good and sexual danger. if the teens had mengetauhi good and bad of a sexual, then the youth will understand and know that the more an adolescent sexual be plunged into a bad thing. therefore, the more teenagers know the sexual education will increasingly understand their impact. therefore, let us identify and equip themselves with sexual knowledge.
Name: Septine elistya
Class: 1-D (English department)
I think sex education is very important for younger generations to know about the dangers posed in sex with her. sex education is very prone to do with the lives of young people who currently do not much care about the dangers posed. number of women who become pregnant outside of marriage, free sex, incidence of diseases of the impact of free sex. therefore the younger generation should be given sex education this assumption in order to produce quality young generation in order to determine the condition of the country better. because the younger generation is the nation's assets and the onus is on dependents
Name: Indah sri wulandari
Class: 1-D
I think sex education is very important for teens today. which is now growing and increasingly advanced puberitas. and seen from the events that happen around us, so many events related to sex. therefore, sex education should be given early to prevent an event that does not want. In the delivery of material about sex should be explained in detail so that there is no misunderstanding between the transmitter and the listener. teacher or someone who was given the task of delivering the material must be people who know about sex education. Of sex education may be a way out to reduce the events associated with sex and can reduce the level of promiscuity among remaja.karena promiscuity may affect the personality and the future of our nation's children as well.
Name : Indah Sriani
Class : 1-D
Adolescence is a period where there were many changes in a child, a period in which to do a lot of new things, and the level of feelings towards the opposite sex is increasing, but the emotions are still unstable so that teens often take action that is forbidden to express their love with the opposite type called free sex.
Sex education is needed for these young couples so that teens can find out the impact and moral sanctions that must be borne as a result of free sex without marriage, certainly with a force skilled in the art but it is also very important religious education given by the teens
Name: Agus Sakti Hardi
Class: 1A English Department
In my opinion, Sex education is one of the most important educational and should be given since the beginning of entering the teen age. Because as stock and to better know the negative impact of loss of control in dealing with the opposite sex or those referred to in article dating. And mentioned above one of the factors triggering sex outside of marriage is the lack of control in the dating scene.
I think, in addition to sex education, religious education should be encouraged by parents and moral. The parents also play an important role in terms of this piecemeal. Give knowledge about the dangers of free sex and so on. Finish off, children could be more cautious and not thinking to try before the valid wedding. In such education is not separated also the cooperation of various parties, such as families, schools, communities and others parties.
Thank you......
Name : Nining Triyanti Lestari
Class : 1-D
Our country have some problem, such as free sex, free association, consume drugs and others. Education is needed by everyone, especially teenagers. Because our teenagers have become victim of free sex. So sex education to adolescent really needed to them. In the real fact, our teenagers still become the object of free sex, that can kill our teenagers.
I think, sex education to adolescent is a golden solution to solve this problem. But we should have good step, method and way to give good understanding to our teenagers about sex education, and also the effect of free sex like marriage before time. And to implement sex education like in education department ( school), we should be able to invite and involve all component, like parents, teachers, society even government and teenagers it self that can make sex education successfully. Thank you.
Nama : Fariha Azizah
The condition of our teenagers to day is very concerning. Because there are many problem that involve our teenagers. Like problems about free association, free sex, bad life style and others. And the most serious problem in our country is about Free association that can cause free sex, by free sex it can also cause some problem like HIV/AIDS. This is really happen in our country based on many victim of this problem.
Based on my opinion it can determine that we need good solution how to finish this problem, and the good solution is sex education for adolescent. Why? Because in the sex education we will get information or knowledge not just about the dangerous of free sex, but also about anatomy, reproduction organ and etc. And the effect of this solution is, it can make our teenagers far from free sex and we will have good young generation.
Name : Selly Bintary P.
Class : 1 A English Department
I think early on adolescent sexual education is very important. Because of increased interest in sexual issues and teens are sexually active in the potential, then the teenager tried to find various information about it. objective sexual education is to form a healthy emotional attitudes toward sexual issues and guiding children and young adults toward living a healthy and responsible sexual life. with the sexual education of adolescents is expected to teenagers not having sex outside of marriage, as a result that caused a very dangerous like HIV. that's all my opinion about sex education
Name:Arum opita sari
I think we learn sex education to adolescent is very important,because we can know abaout human sexuality such as conception ,pregnamamcy ,child birth ,sexual behavior,sexually transmitted diseases and any more.And we can preventing adolescents uncontrol behavior,because adolescent have taste want to know very great,this is very dangerous for adolescent future. We can dodge negative effect from free sex if we learn sex education,we can preventing from free sex
Adolescent is a phase very labile ,so sex education for adolescest is very important,it can save adolescent from many disease and bad effect,example HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases,pregnant before merried,so we must to learn sex education and save them future for sex effect….
Rizky Dwi Pravangasta N
English department
Name : Tri Indah Sari
Class : I-D
Npm :
I think ... Sex education is important, so we know where the good and bad in sex, and that young people do not know the dangers of misusing sex for promiscuity of this education. In terms of health sex education is obviously very important, because individuals come to know what could be a disease because of the sex. Of course, that sex is not misused, this education must be counterbalanced with sufficient religious education, so that will help individuals get rid of harmful free sex actions.
I think that EDUCATION sex is considered taboo to give it a negative impact on children and adolescents. Conversely, sex should be taught to children and adolescents with a wise manner.
During this identical sex with adults only. Teenagers and children as if taboo to determine this issue. And without adequate knowledge of sex, teens actually stuck on the behavior of trial and error. Ends were pregnant in their teens frequent.
Is the effort of teaching sex education, awareness, and providing information about sexual problems. The information provided in which knowledge about the function of the reproductive organs by instilling morals, ethics, commitment, faith in order to avoid "misuse" the reproductive organs.
name: Suci Wulandari
class: ID
if you ask my opinion freesex in adolescence is a drug through the eyes, namely through the pornographic images that would make them unable to make plans, make decisions, and controlling their passions and emotions. the brain is controlling implus, all this will allow teenagers commit incest.
even the sexual behavior of uncontrolled or controlled will have an impact on their future, the more danger they could be exposed to more HIV-Aids virus. for the parents, family and environment is the best therapy to learn, grow and achieve the highest potential of the youth because the characters will either result in good behavior, bad character otherwise would result in bad behavior anyway.
Name:Sri Wahyuni
English Department
In my opinion, the development of mental and physic our adolescents in this time is faster than before. It then causes development of their sexual characteristic. They are very interested with everything about sex. If they have uncontrolled sexual behavior, they will face many problems, such as unwanted pregnancy and infection with sexually transmitted disease.
Therefore, our adolescents must be given sex education by good educators. The educator must understand about the meaning, the aims, and the materials of sex education needed adolescents. So, our adolescents get more information about human sexuality, they can developing interpersonal skills, they can developing the attitude and values relating to human sexuality, and also they can developing responsibility.
Name : Peni Windia Prastiwi
Class : I-D
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
I think sex education for adolescents is important because education is to equip their knowledge of the consequences that could result if they had had sex before their time such as HIV / AIDS, venereal diseases, and disorders other body functions. remember the teenage promiscuity is now to be said very alarming acts that are so damaging as drug dah free sex experienced by adolescents are particularly vulnerable now. therefore, the war is also very supportive parents to prevent promiscuity of teenagers. in the presence of this sex education teenagers can also think twice about trying to try it. and education is also to prevent the increasing frequency of contracting HIV / AISD.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Class: 1E
English Department
In my opinion, this article that sex education to adolescents is very important, many of the teens who think sex education is taboo. In this moment, adolescents are result negative things if they do not have great control. They think that steady is dating, kissing, and free sex.
Many ways to control them, like from education. From this article we get some aspect to sex education. First, what is sex education? Second, what are the aims of sex education to adolescents? Third, how should sex education to adolescents be given? Fourth, what material should be given in sex education to adolescents? Finally, who should give sex education to adolescents?
Family also has a considerable role in providing guidance on sex education, especially the parent.
Name : Hesty Retno Sari
Class : 1-B
Prodi : English Department
Sex education to adolescents is so important for everyone especially for adolescents because at that age an adolescent curiosity about sex is great especially if a child in the Arm on sex education since the early the possibility of doing free sex would be smaller than not knowing at all. so the presence of this education so teens will know the risks of free sex like pregnancy outside of marriage, transmission of venereal disease and HIV / AIDS.
Sex education stands for protection, presentation, extension, improvement and development of the family based on the accepted ethical ideas. It teaches the young person what he or she should know for his or her personal conduct and relationship with others. The existence of AIDS has given a new since of the urgency to the topic of sex education for adolescents.
the role of parents is very important and therefore the parents should really understand about sex education to adolescents before deliver to their children who begin to grow up especially adolescent development in this modern age that the increasingly widespread western culture into Indonesia and many teens who are interested to follow it.
Objective of sex education adolescents :
1. To make affection, sex, love constructive rather than destructive forces in modern life.
2. To develop feelings of self and self respect of other and moral responsibility as an integral part of their personality and character development.
3. To learn that human sexual behavior is not merely a personal and private matter but has important social, moral, and religions implications.
Thank you very much…
Name : Media Rosalina S.P
Class : I-B
I think Sex education is also about developing young people's skills so that they make informed choices about their behaviour, and feel confident and competent about acting on these choices. It is widely accepted that young people have a right to sex education.
This is because it is a means by which they are helped to protect themselves against abuse, exploitation, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and AIDSSex education that works also helps equip young people with the skills to be able to differentiate between accurate and inaccurate information, and to discuss a range of moral and social issues and perspectives on sex and sexuality, including different cultural attitudes and sensitive issues like sexuality, abortion and contraception
Name:Harum permata sari
English department
to overcome the problems of sex that is often experienced by teenagers, it should start from an early age should begin to give education about sex. in this case meant that teenagers can be more wise and skilled in addressing the problems experienced by their sex.
But in fact no actual sex education should always be given to adolescents but also should be given to the parents, it meant that parents are better able to provide the best solutions in each of these problems (especially about sex) experienced by their children who had grown up. Sex education is considered taboo by the older people will be easier for the kids (teens) to take actions that actually is not necessarily such action is appropriate action.
Giving sex education on adolescent and the parents are expected to get parents to be able to overcome the problems that occur in children (teenagers) and teens themselves able to overcome his problems in ways that are appropriate and controlled by their parents.
nama : Tri Indarti
I think, agree with the issue of sex education. In my opinion sex education is very important given the age of puberty in children and adolescents. How to teach sex education to adolescents should I suggest sex education can be incorporated into subjects in the curriculum. Although I think sex education is still considered taboo. Regardless of the role of parents and religious supplies in the progression of puberty and adolescent age children is also very important.
thank you......
name :Dina rohma safitri
class : 1-D
Name : Risma riani
Class :1-A /English Department
Sex education based on scientific standards and should include instruction on the health benefits and possible side effect. Sex education programs that mention abstinence within the discussion of premarital sexual experimentation are not an appropriate alternative.
However individuals wh receive early, comperesive, and medical acurat education regardings the health benfits derived from sexual.expecially among the teenagers,is important. However, I feel that it is unfathomable thah some parents and educators would rather” close their eyes” than discuss these important issue. There is to much information out there and we are putting our children in dager if we don’t educated them on both the beauty and risks of sex. thanks
name :Yulandi Haennissa Victayogi
class : 1-B
Maybe all this talk about sex education is considered taboo in society. It is no longer current to apply. Because, at this time the adolescence began to use every means to gather information that they want to know about sexuality. First of all it's based on excessive curiosity in adolescence. So, they collect a variety of information about sexuality from the mass media. Then, with the things that they know it, teenagers will begin to practice what they know regardless of the risks.
Thus, in sex education should be given the pressure on the risk of uncontrolled sexual activity. In addition, there is need for the science of religion that accompany sex education. Thus, the adolescence know that sexual activity recommended by the religion when she married. Religion may also have significance in sex education. Explanation in terms of religion to show that sexual behavior in teens is set not only in terms of health but also of religion.
Talking about sex education is not new terminology for us. Every institutions have been learning about it. They want to press or controll the crime level that is caused by free sex. By sex education that is expected adolecents know what actually sex is and its risks of free sex. Because in adolecen phase, human emotion is not labile yet. They only know about sex enjoyment in young age and they don’t care about its risks. Free sex has some bad effects especially for adolecents phase, consist of unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and HIV/AIDS etc. In Modern Era like at this present, pornography is easy to get it, adolescents can get it from internet etc. In other hand, the crime that is caused by free sex can also be caused by young woman that do not care about their design style, they always wear sexy dress everywhere and this attitude give invitation to crime activities, like violence etc.
But sometimes some parents don’t still undertsand about sex education, because parents think, sex education is not exact time to given for their children. Children should study hard and they don’t need to learn about sex education. they worry to their children, sex education can give bad effect to their children. For example : Adolecents after learning sex education, they want to try doing sex. (it’s only imagination of parents).
name : Muhammad Dahriar Asshiva V
class : 1-B
In my opinion, sex education is important for teenagers, because it helped the teenager to move in better way. It helped the teenagers to avoid the bad results of having sex too early such as AIDS and other devastating disease and also pregnancy outside marriage,early marriage which can destroy the teenager's future. Maybe if they having sex for now they felt happy or satisfied but in the end they will accept the bad results, and they'll absolutely regret what just they did.
In this case, the role from the parents are needed too because, the teenagers have their own evironment which can lead them to the bad intercourse including having sex too early.. The parents should beware about their children environment. It's okay if the environment was good. But, who knows?.
The last and most important is the teens themselves, they should consider that having sex too early can cause bad effect to their future. Sexual education could be more effective if teens realize how important their future, realizing the risk that they receive due to bad sex outside of marriage. Religious education in applied early on is also helpful in increasing awareness among teens about the bad effect of sex outside of marriage.
Thank you.
CLASS : 1 - D
Name : Dewi Rukmana Sari
Class : 1A/English Department
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Well, it’s certainly sensitive if we talk about “sex”. But from the data I quote, I think that isn’t be taboo anymore. Survey result BKKBN in JABOTABEK, 51 of 100 adolecent girls at the age of 13-18 years commit sex before married, and this insidents occur almost all over in big cities in Indonesia. Also according to WHO, in all over the world, every year an estimated 40-60 million women who do not want a pregnancy did an abortion. Each year the estimated 500,000 maternal death by pregnancy and childbirth. Approximately 30-50% of them had died from complications of unsafe abortion and 90% occur in developing countries including Indonesia. young generation is really on damage. In my opinion, sex education must be given for young learners, starting from now. By sex education, adolecents will be careful in doing something about sex. They also know how to keep their virginity and their health especially their reproduction. They will understand about family planning, birth control method, even dating and relationship.
So, the goverment should develope sex education program with legal material to be supplied in every school in Indonesia. And absolutely the program must be proper culturally and according to religion in Indonesia. Family and society also have an important role in imparting sex education for our young generation.
Thank you. Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
sex education? why not?
I think sex education in adolescents is important because adolescence is a vulnerable period and are very easily influenced. adolescents are easily influenced by her social and curious about everything that they'd never know in advance the sex.
the importance of sex education on adolescents reveal a sense of taboo about sex. so that the sex education teens can understand what sex was. to understand the sex, teens will not only curious about the pleasures only, but with sex education teens can learn the dangers of sex before marriage, as well as with curiosity driven teenagers to have sex with their curiosity, teenagers are also haunted by the danger of sex. swordfish meloputi desired disease and endanger the well with an unwanted pregnancy.
sex education? why not?
I think sex education in adolescents is important because adolescence is a vulnerable period and are very easily influenced. adolescents are easily influenced by her social and curious about everything that they'd never know in advance the sex.
the importance of sex education on adolescents reveal a sense of taboo about sex. so that the sex education teens can understand what sex was. to understand the sex, teens will not only curious about the pleasures only, but with sex education teens can learn the dangers of sex before marriage, as well as with curiosity driven teenagers to have sex with their curiosity, teenagers are also haunted by the danger of sex. swordfish meloputi desired disease and endanger the well with an unwanted pregnancy.
Name = Sinta Eka Trisnasari
Class = 1-A English Department
Assalamu’alaikim wr.wb
In my opinion Sex Education is very important,especially for young learners. Actually Sex Education is not taboo to be learnt by young learners but I don’t know why many parents think that Sex Education is taboo. In fact,Sex Education can remind us to avoid free sex, because many youngmen and youngwomen love sex in the end they do free sex,they think that free sex is world paradise,if they don’t do sex,they are not exist.They don’t think the effect of free sex.
Sex education can prevent uncontrolled sexual behavior. Absolutely if adolecents know abaut sex,they will be careful in sex. They always keep their virginity and health for reproduction. As the young future we must know about sex for our good future. Don’t ever think that Sex Education is not important for us.
I think that’s all my opinion.
Thanks for your attention sir. . .
Wassalaamu’alaikum wr.wb
Name : Sinta Rizki Fadila
Class : 1-B
Fak : English Department
Not be denied if we are talking about sex is a topic, it is always make fun and splashy. How it funny when sex used as the topics discussed thoroughly in school? Splashy, full of surprises but many value of education. Because, today sex is no longer a taboo thing that makes us embarrassed to discuss it.
Maybe we just realized how important knowledge about sex because most cases arise promiscuity among teenagers today. If we're talking about promiscuity, it is actually already emerged from the first, only now it looks worse. Teenage promiscuity because it can also triggered by the increasingly sophisticated technological advances, also at the same time of global economic factors. But just blaming it all also not the right thing.
An adolescence, puberty (13 yrs and over) was a period in which they search for identity and meaning of life. At times these teens also have a curiosity that is so great. Arguably because of his intense curiosity, the more forbidden, the more curious and finally they dare to take risks without consideration first.
For this reason, in my opinion, sex education is important for teens. So that teenagers can keep the reproductive organs of their bodies and can anticipate, recognize or prevent the activities of free sex and avoid other negative impacts. Where the first factor that children usually grow into adolescents, they do not get it with sex education, because parents still think that talking about sex a taboo. So that from non think the teenagers do not feel responsible for the health of sex or reproductive anatomy. Then for the second factor, note that from think teens about sexual health and reproductive anatomy, can be negatively impacted. Such as high sex outside of marriage, unwanted pregnancy, HIV transmission and so on.
as we know, recently many criminal cases related to sexual abuse. and the suspects of the cases are teenagers or adolescents. adolescents is a phase of human growth. adolescent is a sensitive, curious phase. in this country many phenomena related uncontrolled sexual behavior done by the teenagers such as raping, unwanted pregnancy etc. those cases can be minimized or even cut down by establishing a good system of sex education.
in here government has a strong role. so that sex education is a good solution. our nation must be used to talk,study and learn about sex. it will make a good implication. if teenager students are taught earlier, they will be like protected. by getting an education about sex, the adolescents will understand the advantages disadvantages of uncontrolled sexual behavior. sex education must be implemented in education curriculum for teenager.
as we know, recently many criminal cases related to sexual abuse. and the suspects of the cases are teenagers or adolescents. adolescents is a phase of human growth. adolescent is a sensitive, curious phase. in this country many phenomena related uncontrolled sexual behavior done by the teenagers such as raping, unwanted pregnancy etc. those cases can be minimized or even cut down by establishing a good system of sex education.
in here government has a strong role. so that sex education is a good solution. our nation must be used to talk,study and learn about sex. it will make a good implication. if teenager students are taught earlier, they will be like protected. by getting an education about sex, the adolescents will understand the advantages disadvantages of uncontrolled sexual behavior. sex education must be implemented in education curriculum for teenager.
name : Gunawan arisona
class : 1-A. english department
in my opinion, sex education for teens is very important. especially considering the number of free sex, which is very popular among teenagers. adolescents still need to be educated about sex and danger, because at the age of adolescence is a stage of formation and mental maturation, which at this stage the teenager chose to have fun regardless of the consequences. sex education should be given early and as a deciding factor, families must provide more oversight, especially in young adolescent girls. in order not to fall into the negative, such as: pregnancy outside of wedlock, a user of narcotics, free sex , etc.
NAME : Siti Nurul Lailil Ma'rifah
NPM : 10.1.O1.08.0256
personally I think that adolescence is a phase of human life. in this phase, teenagers will begin to know about the relationship between opposite sex. This is because the maturity factor of their increasing age and growing. that's what the teens will usually begin committing Which one leads to sexual behavior.
therefore, sex education for adolescents are needed. it is intended that the teenagers were not involved into the promiscuity that could lead to free sex. sex education for teenagers is also useful to control the sexuality of teenagers. in addition to the regular sex education for adolescents, then it will lower the crime rate that is our beloved country Indonesia. particularly the problem of rape and extramarital sex behavior. other than that we can avoid dangerous disease that until now no cure, namely HIV / AIDS.
personally i think that sex education for teens other than provided by the school, should also be given by parents or family at home. because it aims to strengthen and keep ourselves from the behavior of deviant sex. therefore let us protect our self-respect so that we avoid sex deviant behavior and the dangers caused by free sex.
personally i think that adolescence is a phase of human life. in this phase, teenagers will begin to know about the relationship between opposite sex. This is because the maturity factor of their increasing age and growing. that's what the teens will usually begin committing Which one leads to sexual behavior.
therefore, sex education for adolescents are needed. it is intended that the teenagers were not involved into the promiscuity that could lead to free sex. sex education for teenagers is also useful to control the sexuality of teenagers. in addition to the regular sex education for adolescents, then it will lower the crime rate that is our beloved country Indonesia. particularly the problem of rape and extramarital sex behavior. other than that we can avoid dangerous disease that until now no cure, namely HIV / AIDS.
sex education for teens other than provided by the school, should also be given by parents or family at home. because it aims to strengthen and keep ourselves from the behavior of deviant sex. therefore let us protect our self-respect so that we avoid sex deviant behavior and the dangers caused by free sex.
based on an article that I read about sex education on sex education that is essential for the growth characteristics of adolescent sexuality, where sexuality at this age level is extremely high. If teenagers can not control the level of sexuality akandapat high risk such as increased levels of children who drop out of school, the incidence of HIV / AIDS, resulting in pregnancy, etc..
to know about sex education, it is hoped young people will be able to control their sexuality with a good level and the teens will better know how much risk they would have done if it can not control the level of sexuality.
In my opinion, sex education need give for adolescence. Because now day, global era had gave more bad impact than good effect for teens, for the example free sex attitude, which it can decrease teens moral. The teenager is looking for the real self phase, so they prefer try the new something and rare for think bad result from their act. The uncontrolling attitude can make danger for adolescence if they can't safe their selves about bad effect from free sex and unknowing about religi education, they can have risk for outmarriage pregnancy also get many danger ilness.
Therefoere, by sex education for teenagers they can know about how responsibility sex and they will develop their attitude also to avoid from danger of free sex.
Name : Nur 'Ayni
Class : 1-D
This adolescent was the physical change period and phsisik from ourself .So it’s very necessary for the adolescent knew the function from the available organs self. That was discussed in sex education. Unfortunately that it was considered the taboo in our Country (Indonesia). Parents considered that the sex education was education tha...t JOROK(that’s words are INAPPROPRIATE).Why they didn’t like this? Because of the parents was misinterpretation about their sex education. They think that the sex education only it was stressed in the loving position. In fact essence,sex education it was stressed in resulting from when we did not use appropriate law sex. The example: free sex with WTS .
The parent’s must be existence of comprehensive counselling to all the sides especially side.
The need to provide sex education to their children according to age.
English Department 2010/2011
Remembering that adolescence is an important phase of human before adulthood. Adolescence is a phase whereby human significantly develop in mentality and physical. Generally adolescents are unstable in this phase. They have big curiosity in their own life. So if they don’t have controlling it can drive them into bad life. Such as juvenile delinquency which break law and social norm. for them, associate or friendship is the most important thing. They have developed in relationship to another gender and having sexual drive. Steady is one way to help them in sexual relationship. It will be very dangerous when they couldn’t bear their curiosity about sex. As a result, if they are in uncontrolled, they will try what they want to know. They will not give any attention to the norms. And perhaps pregnancy is the result of it.
Therefore, education is the important thing to prevent adolescent bad habit primary about sex. Sex education aims to help them acquiring information about sexuality clearly and correctly. In order, they can fortress themselves with their own knowledge. Sex education can be given by parent by the way, give big attention to them. In another way, sex education must be given from the expert person in this scope. Experts can enter this matery in their school. So adolescent will understand well how dangerous if they do deviation sex. But actually, I don’t agree if sex education be given by someone who doesn’t expert in this scope just because about adolescent curiosity. In my experience when adolescent hear a little word about sex, they always give their best attention and also give best response of it. It may will drive them into wrong way. Finally, I agree that sex education must be given by the experts correctly in each adolescent’s age.
Name : Novi Indose Kurniawan
Class : 1-A English Department
In my opinion, sex education for adolescents is very important, so I agree with your opinion Sir... because protecting them from high-risk behavior that is pregnant outside of marriage, HIV / AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, sexual violence.
But talk of sex is not something new. In general, the true source of sex information was not many people know. so terrible if they were wrong information about sexuality even be bad for them. Therefore, parents and educators do not feel bored at school to give information and to hear complaints from them.
Name : Ulin Nova Ardiani
Class : I-E
In my opinion, there are many changes that happened to us in adolescence, with respect to sex. The changes that happen to those teens in puberty also cause increased sexual feelings. And I think everyone has thoughts and feelings are different about sex.
But unfortunately, sometimes the information about the sex education given to teenagers are considered to be negative, taboos, and misleading.
But I think the sex education during adolescence, it is important to us (teenagers) weeks to learn all about sex education before anything happens to us, such as the dangers of casual sex is very detrimental. And so it would be beneficial for me if I know how these things about sex this could affect my life.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
In my opinion;
Talking about sex education……
sex education is important to reduce juvenile delinquency are rampant in modern times. free sex exists because of misuse of science and technology, lack of parental supervision, lack of sex education in schools because it is still considered taboo, so these lessons are not taught from an early age, when education is very important sec. dangers of sex itself is infected with HIV / AIDS, pregnancy outside marriage, etc..
The impact of the teens understand the dangers of casual sex so they would not do such actions. with the attention of parents, sex education is good, strong faith and teens will be spared from the negative influences.
In order to achieve the goal of sex education properly, some important aspects of sex education must be understood. First, what is sex education? Second, what is the purpose of sex education for teenagers? Third, how should be given sex education for teenagers? Fourth, what materials are to be given sex education for teenagers? Finally, who should provide sex education for teenagers?
In conclusion, sex education is seen as the best way to prevent the uncontrolled behavior of adolescents. But there is a notice for it. It will succeed if exercution based on a true understanding about it. So, people who will be the sex educator for teens should understand the meaning, purpose, and materials needed adolescent sex education. They must understand the requirements for sex educators.
class : one_dhe class ( 1D )
departement : english departement
year : 2010 / 2011
Learning about sex is a complex problem that remains to this day among adolescents. Judging from the understanding alone, sex education aims to reduce the rate of female school-age pregnancy, and more importantly keep the youth from deviant sexual behavior. The definition of deviant sexual behavior itself is done by teens who have not officially in a marriage, sexual behavior that have multiple sexual partners, and many more deviant sexual behavior.
understanding of the importance of adolesence sex education where it is less noticeable on today's parents so that the surrender of all education, including sex education in schools. Also how the forms of teaching about differences in men and women in the school environment. Though responsible for teaching sex education at an early age is a parent, while the school is only as complementary in providing information to the child.
Sex education early age can give children an understanding of the condition his body, understanding the opposite sex, and understanding to avoid the sexual violence. Learning about sex is meant here is the child will begin to recognize the identity of self and family, get to know members of their body, and can cite the characteristics of the body.
Therefore it is necessary for reconsideration of sex education in early childhood because it takes the readiness of the various parties, such as educators, parents, and the children, so that will not lead to any understanding and result in a further.
Nama : Achmad Setiawan
Kelas : 1B English Department
Nama : Fitri Widayanti
Kelas: 1B English Department
I think sex education is crucial given to adolescents, because adolescence is a period of transition from child to adulthood and age, teens easily influenced by things that are undesirable such as promiscuity and will eventually happen sex outside of marriage. At this time the teen has not reached the stage of mental and social maturity so they have to face the pressures of social emotions and conflicting. Therefore it is necessary sexual education from an early age and parental supervision of children, especially in girls or young women.
And adolescence is a phase of human development in which a person experiences a dramatic change of sexual changes. teenagers have uncontrollable sexual behavior are also at high risk for infection transmitted diseases in adolescents will have sex sexually transmitted diseases if they have sex. uncontrolled sexual behavior is detrimental to the future and health
Name: Lailatul Zerlina R
class: IB English department
NPM : 10 1 01 08 0138
Sex education is important for us, adolescent exactly. Because they are sensitive with free sex, and may be they don’t much understand about sex education, I mean the impact from free sex. They do it and not thinking about the impact in future. So many impact which turn up because free sex, from health free sex made some one infect HIV/AIDS, Gonorea and etc. From psikology, the will shy because they pregnant marriage outside. That’s all impact from free sex, so sex education is important for us.
During at now, may be some parents think if sex education just learn about making love, but their statement is wrong. Sex education not only learn about making love but also about reproduction system. So they never talk about sex education with his son/daughter because they think it is not respectful if they talk about it.
For now I think that’s statement must be change, every parent must teach his son/daughter sex education clearly for their future.
Name : Rizkitta Auliya
Class : IE english departmen
Basically sex education is crucial given to students at an early age. Because some studies or surveys that have been cited in the article above says that the behavior ofteenagers if they have no sexual control, then it is quite an impact on their future. And finally, teenagers do not have a future because they do not understand sex education.So if a teenager has no future as a nation means the pole will collapse one by one.Because the future of a country highly dependent on the adolescent. I agree strongly withthe conclusions given in the article above. If I may add. Sex education should also beaccompanied by a thorough religious education. So there is no negative effect on sexeducation.
Name : Danar Sri Lestari
Class : I-D
NPM : 10-1-01-08-0051
In my opinion, about sex education it's very important to adolescence, because it can lead to severe problems if it expressed sexual behavior is harms the future and health of adolescence.
Sex education is best way to preventing adolescence, but the sex educator has to understand about the meaning, the aims, and the materials of sex education. So, adolescence haven't high risk for fail in school and can be better generation for the future.
Name : Asep Sasongko
class : one_dhe class ( 1D )
Department : English Department
year : 2010 / 2011
I think sex education is taught in adolescence is very important, because young people need a lot of information about sex, so that in adulthood they can understand more about sex. if there is no guidance on sex education at early stages, it is feared would damage the personality of the young generation in terms of emotions, characteristics, and psychiatric. can not be denied in this era of globalization, everything any information can be accessed only from a computer device in the room.
in this case the parents should play an active role and provide direction to control the importance of keeping themselves until they age enough to have sex.
Name : Renda Annisa Adi Candra
NPM : give sex education completed
Class : 1-A
Nowdays,sex education is eally necessary for adocent. As we know, now information is easy to get. If the adolcent do njot get the right sex information, they will look for it by themselves. It is so dangerous because they get the information not rom sex educnators. As educator, we should sex educatin well. So that, we can give sex education completed by explaining the risk andresponsiblelty freesex based on their age. As an example: for kinder garten students, we can explain that the underwear for boy and for girl are totally different. After understanding sex education well, the adolcents will think many times to do freesex. The most important one is sex education should be given early based on their age completed by explaining the risk and the responsibility.
In my opinion the sexual education during adolescence is critical because adolescence is a time of change from children into adolescents, which in adolescence is socially and emotionally mentally began to grow toward maturity. For in those days often arise conflicting issues, so that sexual education should be given to early teens can find out the effects of promiscuity. Besides that parents also have to provide sex education so that the child does not find out about sex education through the wrong way.
Name : Anom Puji Astuti
Class : 1-D
FAK : English Department
Nowadays a lot of cases of uncontrolled sexual behavior. evidenced by the growing number of teenagers dropping out of school for being pregnant out of wedlock. the trigger is partly because the association that the freer. we may already be familiar with the term phoneseks ie via telephon sexual activity. This also causes the proliferation of uncontrolled sexual behavior.
Given the consequences of uncontrolled sexual behavior is very bad and harmful, it is necessary the involvement between parents, teachers, and educators who master the material and have a broad range of insights such as doctors, psychologists, and counselors. Effective this is a way to control the uncontrollable sexual behavior in adolescents, so they are not wrong in seeking information into the wrong hands, that does not completely control of this chapter.
as students we should be able to differentiate between the good and vice versa. Thank you.
Name :Kusdina Wulansari
Class :I-D
Fak :English Department
year :2010/2011
I agree with sex education to adolescent because sex education is very important for us. Actually sex education must be given since we are child so if when we are adoult, we will not feel strange with sex. Sex education is the first material that given when we are teeneger. Wa can study about sex edution where ever we want. Sex education is started from our family because the first sosialitation is our family. Whatever we do there is family beside us. Start from we were born until now we still need family. Sex education can be given with induvidual and group. There are many ways that we can given to teeneger for studying about sex education. Sex education can reduce criminalitas, free sex, early married.
I think that sex education vry important to young children where many of case what found by goverment,less knowledge about sex education this caused by less aware about reproduction them. maybe with any sosialisaziation about sex education can increase aware them. sex education at comon very taboo to speak but in world moern not taboo again because jama delopment what very forward looking now so them looking for information about it.if we know that important sex education maybe we will no again to hear sex violence.
sex education give our's knowledge about how the way to prevent disease like as hiv/aids can make dead,responsibility wwith they do to future and think of risk what them do. all of this problem parent have role very important to young children to give knowledge about sex education so they are understand.
name: supri yadi
english department
name:supri yadi
class:1f/english department
I think that sex Education very important to young child where many of case what found by goverment,less knowledge about sex Education this cause by less aware about reproduction them. Maybe with any sosialization about sex Education can increase aware them. Sex Education at Common very taboo to speak but in World this modern not taboo again because jaman Development what very Forward looking now so them looking for information about it. If we know that important sex Education maybe we will”t again to hear sex violence.
Sex Education Gide our’s knowledge about how the way to prevent disease like as hiv/aidz can make dead,responsibility with them do to future and think of risk what then do. All of this problem parent have role very important to young child to Gide knowledge about sex Education so they are understand about it.
, sex education is very important , especially for ours as student in university.because sex education give us knowlodge and cause effect about, we must understand about it. beside this, with sex education we be able to safe ourlife and oursexuality.we know that if we do free seks,we can get bad effects.for example, HIV aids,pregnancy,physiology of genital organs and etc.if we dont know about it, we may get bad influence and bad effects.for example,in relationship with someone,we must be carefull too.because there is a oppurtunity to do free sex.
, so we as young generation must be keep ourself.DONT say to free sex!!!we still have many time to make ourlife more better.
Name : Akhmad Endar Prasetya
Class : I C/English Department UNP KEDIRI
The biology of sex should be taught in school and for adolecents to.
I thought The morality should be taught by the parents.
Ideally, both would teach both
yes, I do mean Moslems morals taught by the schools; but I'd also include the sexual ethics of all major religions/philosophies, as well as disease prevention and birth control.
and i av a suggestion for our university, to taught sex education maybe on religions lesson, or seminary...
as we knew, we dont av religions lesson.. exceptly on our first semester,
Thanks alot...
It is important to talk about the responsibilities and consequences that come from being sexually active. Pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and feelings about sex are important issues to be discussed. Talking to your children can help them make the decisions that are best for them without feeling pressured to do something before they are ready. Helping children understand that these are decisions that require maturity and responsibility will increase the chance that they make good choices.
Adolescents are able to talk about lovemaking and sex in terms of dating and relationships. They may need help dealing with the intensity of their own sexual feelings, confusion regarding their sexual identity, and sexual behavior in a relationship. Concerns regarding masturbation, menstruation, contraception, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases are common. Some adolescents also struggle with conflicts around family, religious or cultural values. Open communication and accurate information from parents increases the chance that teens will postpone sex and will use appropriate methods of birth control once they begin.
Class : I-B / English Department
Diky Adi Wicaksono
1 - C
In my opinion,,SEX EDUCATION
Pros and cons to include material neighbor sex education in schools. Some people say there is still taboo and too early to be submitted to the child who is not mature enough, some said that knowledge about sex is very good to know early, so children are more alert, curious and know no boundaries which can be done and the norms that should be obeyed for children do not respond or do wrong that should not be done.
One side is true when understood earlier sex education, children / students will be vigilant to keep ourselves and defend ourselves from things that are not desirable, but on one hand it ages, especially teenagers, is the early emergence of a secondary hormone which easily aroused performance when viewing or hear things related to the reproductive system works. It is possible to understand about the reproductive system will be more encouraged students to do things that do not want / want to try it.
It is very necessary to understand the child about sex, but must be balanced with understanding the norms, morals and good faith, so that children will be able to apply in their lives well too. The community also determine the child's personality development, but keep in mind, as much as possible when the child outside the home, there are still more children in the family, plus if the parents are always monitoring / communication when children in particular when more outside the home. Far from the parents but with good communication monitoring of children still do not feel lost, and will feel closer.
Name : Bagas Prasetya Putra
Class : I-C
Over all I agree with the explanation above.But here I want to add one important thing that has not explain.That is about sex education from the religion side.From this side adolescents must be directed away from the free sex.Method used is to give warnings of grave sin, then about die.exactly is by instilling fear and caution to teens who are fall free sex or not that their lives in the god’s hands.they only given one chance to live in the world.So do not to regret later.For arranging final method will work well if done by someone who really right (religious scholars).Why is that? that the results of education was able to knock on their hearts and changing patterns of association teens sex later.
Kelas: 1C
According to me, sex education can give information to young learners about sex more large, not only about sex but also about human sexuality. With sex education, young learners know the negative effect of free sex, so it can help to decrease free sex in our country.
If we study seriously about sex education and we can keep our associate very well, I believe that we will get much information that very benefit for us.
Name :Lady Asmara Adeputra
Class : I-C
Overall the material is presented very interesting and I agree with that explanation. Such education is indispensable, especially in adolescents in order not to deviate from the understanding and practice of promiscuity. by reading and understanding the social meaning of free sex then indirectly impact youth, have to know when breaking and irregularities.
Education so that it can penetrate to the individual's adolescent education then it should be given intensively and continuously. With the article that made this writer hopefully free sex in environmental issues can be resolved and their teens are aware cautious in associating.:):)^^
Name : Uefa Moh Bahrul Ulum
Class : I-C
I agree with your article, I think your article is very useful for teenagers.
because of this association are now many teens are less aware and concerned only the sheer lust.Sex education has helped me to better understand the impact of sex in terms of both positive and negative.In my own daily life, not separated from it.Courtship is the biggest cause that drives the behavior of sex.Hopefully the next article you read a lot of people.
Name : Reza Rahadian
Class : 1-C
Sex in Indonesia is still very taboo, education is still very minimal, yet all the schools in Indonesia include curriculum about sex, even if there is, and even then only schools that have been accredited either, or by passing lane Biology subjects. In fact, with sex education will be many positive aspects such as population, free sex, and reduce the birth rate is exploding. And also indirect effects such as Narcotics, broken home, street children.
sex education is very important to teenagers today, because today is a very advanced age that enable teens to perform sex deviation in the direction that is not true. sex education should be taught early on. but it started with various levels according to age. children aged 1-6 years should be a gate of the subconscious mind is still open 100% should require intensive education. And at the age of the unconscious begin next gate is closed and only at certain times such as when we sleep can open the gates of the subconscious. suggestion we can give our children over the age of 6 years before going to bed with explaining about sex schools should also be taught sex education, although only slightly. teachers should also give the correct direction between sex and no. about the free sex and its dangers.
Learning about sex is different from the skills we learn about others. For example we learn to swim in order to find out about swimming technique is good, but learning about sex is not to learn how the sex is good, but what will arise or the impact of sexual activity.
Name : Angga Aprillianto
Class : I-C
English Depertment 2010/2011
Sex education ,I think this education is very important for adolescents now,Why? because adolescents in this period more thought to get happines for himself and got care from other gende. With this education i'm sure can press many troubles of adolecents, if this education hendled by psycologist, doctor, counselor.
I agree with some sentence that list, cause of the student failed on his education can bringing down distributing of HIV disease. And I have a conclusion that is, sex education become one of manner to restrain free intercourse, if to do by good manner from the person who comprehend about the meaning, purpose, and ,material that will give to adolecents. that is my opinion
I think Sex education is very important to all adolescents, because to day the adolescent behavior is really different from before it. Maybe with there are modern technology and development in the era of globalization.
They don’t use it well but they use to see a pornography archeological bad thing, than many adolescences can’t control their sexual behavior that would risk such as pregnant out of wedlock and can also cause disease HIV AIDS. It is the scourge of disease for all of the people, because until now, there are not medicines that treat it, and how the fate of the nation if management candidates can’t fight for a nation well, but instead damage the morale of the nation with their sexual act or can be called free sex.
That’s all my opinion about sex education, and thanks.
Sex education is the important thing to learn and understood by many people who have been adult. This is the big problem in Indonesia that must be solved early. It is caused to prevent in order to don’t happen something that we don’t want it happen, as like MBA (married because accident), HIV AIDS, and many abortions, which cause increase numeral of die. Sex education still seldom in Indonesia, it can be learned by us. It is depend us how to keep our selves. With choose the good association in order to we can be a good person without follow bad association.
So we must learn hard again about this problem. Parents must keep their children in order that not follow the bad association. Especially for adolescent, because this time that they have high sexual desire. This is my opinion. And thanks.
I agree with sex education for adult, because it can make adult can get information about the right and clear sexual behavior. Adult indined haven’t sexual behavior control, so sex education can prevent unwanted pregnancy and risk for infection with HIV/AIDS. Adult can control their sexual behavior so they can avoid from unwanted things. So sex education is very important for adult, they have often do sex without know how to do the right sexual behavior.
Name : Siti Romelah
Class : ID
I agree with you sir. I think sex education is very important, because with sex education can help adolescent to know about what must they do. And with give sex education since early can prohibition about free sex on adolescent. And development of more advanced science and technology, to influence the lives of teenagers. Them easier access to new things, even things that should not feasible for them to know the progress of science and technology with them to obtain information easily.
Especially in the current lifestyle of many young people imitate western lifestyles, which upholds freedom. this is one of the characteristics in which the decline in the morale of the youth. many cases of pregnancy outside marriage, there are even studies most of the teenage girl at the time this was not a virgin. It proves that the lack of knowledge among young sexs. therefore sexs excellent education given to teenagers. Parents is the first medium that gives knowledge about the child sexs. in addition the school also plays an important role in this matter. So they can know and understand what they should do about sexs.
Name: Dwi Pujiati
Class : 1 D
I personality think that sex education for adolescent is very important, because with sex education they will get many information about sex and sexual human. And the other hand, they will understand about kinds of disease contaminate sexual like HIV/AIDS.It can make they more careful of action.
In my opinion sex education or education about reproductive health or a trend it should be given sex education to children who have grown up or adolescents, both through formal and informal. Well review the various phenomena that occur in Indonesia, presumably still arise pros cons in society, because the notion that talking about sex is taboo and sex education will encourage teenagers to relate seks. Maybe we realize how important knowledge about sex because many cases of promiscuity among this young adults appears. If it was not too far just teen himself will hit the stone, but parents are also not authorized to shame. Debriefing about sex is important and essential. So I agree with the existence of sex education.
Name : Ludfiatul Nur Azizah
Class : 1-D
Adolescence is a transtitional period. This is the culmination of adolescent curiosity. Teen always wanted to know and feel what they think. There’s a sense of curiosity. Sex in the main thing. If teens can’t control themselves then it will lead to conflict. such as unwanted pregnancies. In addition,they don’t know if they have sex too often and changing partners will cause a disease called HIV AIDS
The result is then sex education should be given to adolescent to helpthem gain a clear and correct knowledge about sexuality . Need for aducators to provide education about sex with her. the nearest person who could provide such education are parents and teachers. But sometime there are parents who are playing less attention to their well as teachers in schools. therefore needed special educators to provide educational material about the sex. include physicians,psychologist and counsellors who are expert in the field of sex.
Class : 1B
Name : Rian Hartawan
Class : 1D
I agree with your article. sex education must be given with the understanding that true. So the teenager understand how dangerous sex can damage their future and education about sex can help prevent the spread of some diseases.
The role of parents is required in supervising, directing and educating their children. They can control their children from sexual behavior that may damage their other reason, that religious education should also be given since, the children can choose either path will be pursued. With an understanding about sex education, the future generation could meet a better future
Name : Luvi Fitriana
class : 1D
I agree with Mr. kunjojo argument about sex education. About the reason why the children and teenager need the free sex aducation, the effect of free sex, and about the leads of free sex. Sex education very important for the teenager in this educations can help them to save their future.
But, the problem here is the teenager now not only the person which have 17-22 of age, but also, the children in six grade. They have know about “girlfriend or boyfriend”, and they include to the teenager level. So, the sex education must know and attention very well about the participant of sex education self. In six grade in junior high school, they just introduced about anatomy of sex organ. And in senior high school, they introduced about the effect of free sex.
If we can relized about that, we can make the great education fof avery teenager, so we can save their future.
Sex Education to Adolescencents
Sex education is an important thing that must be given to adolescent for prevent so much undesire things, nowdays many adolescents gets their sex education from from their contemporary friends, reads pornographic books, watchs pornographic films and etc. Because that,there are many efforts of sex education to adolescent. Sex education is very important for adolescent, the first reason of that is they don’t know well about their sex education, so they often unresponsible to the health of their reproduction anatomy. And the second reason is not quite understand about sex in adolescent. Adolencent’s reproduction anstomy is just their right and be their responsible for keeps them from undesire things.
Name : Nurul Diah Novita
Class : 1e
Adolescences are dangerous phase for a human.
They need guidance to make them do their activity correctly,because adolescence is very easy to do anything which deviate like about sex. So they have to get sex education correctly.
Sex education for adolescence is very important thing,bacause the education can make the adolescence know about sex,like the impact if they do it before married,and how to they avoid free sex which have dangerous impact for them and destroy their future.
So sex education have to be given to adolescence in order to minimize the bad impact from free sex and to save them from deathly desease like HIV.
Name : Nastiti Pranannya Dabrasa
Class: 1D
In my opinion, I strongly agree with the article written by Mr.Kuntjojo about sex education early age. Because I think education is very necessary be given to adolescents especially in the productive age of 17-25 years. But it must also know how great the dangers that lurk when teenage promiscuity, especially the disadvantaged are women who become pregnant outside of marriage, and can become infected with HIV / AIDS if multiple partners.
Sex education can not only be given at school by counselors skilled in the art as well as by his teacher. But it can also be given education at home by parents, for example, the provision of norms from childhood such as religious norms, moral norms, legal norms, and moral norms as well as parents learning about the meaning of loyalty to the couple. Because if the children are taught from an early age will most likely be taken until they grow up someday.
After four norms are understood and become daily habits of the parents the last thing you should do is to supervise the daily activities of their teens, for example, in everyday life, in the use of technology, because free association is dominated by the misuse of technology.
Finally, hopefully we can keep ourselves from the association teens, and teens with healthy life to achieve a bright future. thanks
I think of sex education in adolescents is effective to prevent the uncontrolled behavior of adolescents. today many teenagers are trapped into a world negative example on the freesex. many teenagers whose bleak future for doing the result they become pregnant before completing education.
therefore, adolescents should be told about here sex education is very useful because it provides knowledge about sex in detail so that teens know the dangers of freesex. however, sex education should be given correctly in order to be accepted and understood by teens. with knowledge about sex then the teenagers will think long if they want to do freesex
name : Desy Fransisca Lestari
class : IA /
English Department
In my opinion, that sex education is needed by today's youth. with the development of technology that can not be filtered by the teenagers well and they tend to use technology for things that are not good or beyond all logic including free sex pass that starts from the view-situsporno sites on the Internet that are not restricted to environmental education. Here teenagers can not distinguish between good and bad influence on the development of technology. and adolescents also tend to follow the bad influence of the following good effect.
So sex education should be inculcated to the children who headed teenager. So that teens are not caught in sex free association uncontrolled. Here the role of parents is required to provide sex education to teenagers because of very close family can provide understanding to the youth to be able to filter the information obtained from outside. And teens can be spared from the association that is not good.
Name : anggun nisma kusumaningtyas
Class : IA /
English department
I think sex education is important for teenagers because they can understand all about sex, like : human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive right and responsibilities, contraception and other aspect of human sexual behavior. As we know, most of teenagers can’t control their sex behavior. It is dangerous because it can cause many problems in their future, like unwanted pregnancy, this effect can cause depression because most of teenagers specifically girls, feel ashamed if they get pregnant before marriage, that isn’t our country culture. Then they can’t focus for study and finally they will fail in school. Be sides that, teenagers can get infection with sexually transmitted disease, that is harmful for their health.
If most of teenagers in Indonesia get that problems, I’m sure this country will have worse young generations because they just think about sex although they don’t understand what the right sex is. So, I absolutely agree if sex education can give at school because sexuality is important aspect of the life of human being and almost the people including teenagers want to know about it. Be sides that, sex education can protect teenagers from risk of wrong sex, like free sex, and this education is useful for their future.
sex education for adolescents is critical. because adolescence is a period of transition from childhood and puberty to adulthood. therefore, adolescents need guidance at that time, so as not to fall into things that are negative. especially, the guidance in the form of sex education.
today has many dijumapai teens who do free sexs outside marriage. so many girls who had abortions and have to drop out of school due to pregnancy. besides, now people with HIV / AIDS is increasing.
it shows that in addition to sex education, teens also need to know and understand the consequences of free sexs. teens should know the risks and responsibilities as parents and the responsibility to educate children, if they should get married due to pregnancy before marriage. besides the risk of venereal disease and HIV / AIDS due to free sexs should really be known by teenagers.
Class : 1B / English Department
Sexual sense is the normal sense belonging of all of the human in this world. Sexual sense includes one of the valuable mercy giving by the God for the human as the way for them to keep well their descendant. Because sexual sense can incite them to do the sexual behavior which can causes the conception. If that conception done successfully, it can lead to the pregnancy and finally, it can causes the birth child.
Inreally, sexual behavior is good for the human, if it placed in the correct way(example : for a couple of marriage to keep well their descendant), but if it placed in the uncorrect way(example : the adultery), it can causes so many bad effects, such us “UP”/Unwishes Prignancy, can diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and another serious diseashes , etc.That all depand on “how the human can control their each sexual behavior”.
Adolescence’s phase is the climax sexual phase belonging of the human. As we know,the Adolescence can’t ride both their emotional and their desire yet (so labile). It’s because, when that phase, their hormone are produced not balance. Sometimes so high and sometimes low. So it’s felt so hard for them to control their behavior (specifically their sexual behavior). Therefor, many unexpected things occurred in the Adolescence.
In my mind, it’s true that the best way to anticipate it is by giving “Sex Education”. Sex Education can help the human to control their sexual behavior, so it can minimalized that unexpecred risks. In this aspect, parents have the important act to give sex education according their each capability in sex for their each child. On the other side, the teacher’s act needed too, to give sex education in more formal place(exp :school) and may be the conselor of sex who have been expert in this section.
By Sex education, we can know over and clearly in what’s the sexuality, what’s the conception, what’s the pregnancy, what are the dangerous diseashes in sexuality, how to take care our health reproduction and others. So it can train us to think more health, live in the healthy way, and the important one, it can train us to have the responsibility to keep well our each body’s organ (specifically our sexuality’s organ) which includes the most unvaluable riches given by the God.
sex Education For Adolescent
In my opinion, adolescent needs a sex education because of there is one cause underlined it. That is adolescent has an uncontrolled sexual behavior, such as:
1. Fail in school
2. Unwanted pregnancy
3. Infection with sexual transmitted deseases (Gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS)
Adolescence is a period which full of big curious things that sound interesting for adolescent. Nowadays, most of the adolescent haven’t known about sex yet. So, they always curious about it. But unfortunately they are shy to admit it and they don’t have any forum to discuss about it.. Finally, they try to learn about sex themselves with uncontrolled education. Based on the existing evidence, they learn it all through magazine, comics, film, internet and their surroundings. Surroundings is the most basic thing which have influence them. Boy/girlfriends are the basic example. Adolescence can ask their friends about sex without any shyness. They try to make a love with their boy/girlfriend without think more about the risk. It is done by the adolescent under the age and hasn’t got married yet. They feel crave for making love and they will do it again and again. They won’t stop it until they have an unwanted pregnancy. It is so pathetic that their family, who have to give the education to adolescent for the first time, have no reaction about sex education to adolescent. Because it is something taboo for them.
Adolescent needs a place which can answer all of their questions about sex without any taboo. That’s why most of the Senior and Vocational High Schools hold a seminar about the adolescent’s problems especially sex. The schools invite some master sex education speakers such as physicians, psychologists and counselors to give some informations about sex to adolescent. The last but not least, parent should teach their children side by side about sex education and they should pay a big attention about their children especially adolescent. So that adolescent will be able to understand more about it and also can control their sex desire well.
Name : Dymarconnik Umaha Ulfa
Faculty : FKIP-English Department
Class : 1-B
I think sex education for adolescents is needed now, because sex education, teens are expected with the full awareness to stay awayfrom casual sex, in addition to cause regret in the end, also candestroy the future of adolescence itself. less knowledge will leadteens are curious and want to know, with lack of parental supervision, so that teenagers get the wrong information and apply it in their lives., to prevent teens not engage in extramarital sex,preventing pregnancy in adolescents. need for sex education for teens and parents should be very active in his children's lives, how to supervise children properly, giving a positive direction, how to get along with the environment that provides a positive influence,
Name : zahra Fathin rosyida
class: 1G
i think sex education for adolescents is very important due to the development of life aspects and technology which is more sophisticated. now sex education must be implemented since the adolescents know which is the right or wrong one. unfortunately the teenagers sometimes are brought to social life similar to western life style. and these adolescents are very easy to be affected. because of the condition of the adolescents' emotions is not totally stabil. therefor the parents' rule to implement sex education for the teenagers who become grow and grow is very important and the material must be appropriate. the process of sex education must be step by step aims at the adolescents are able to apply in their life.
name :Agung yuwoko
class : 1-A english department
npm :
Prasetyo Istianto
English Departement
in my opinion,sex education for adolensces is so important to prevent a juvenile deliquency like free sex. because we know that it's easy now for teens to have free sex or the other sexuality.
and we also must know that the parents and teacher have to tell them about sex education, especially their parents. .
Name : Putri Amalia Nafisah
Class : 1-b
In adolescence curiosity of sexual issues are very important in the formation of a new, more mature relationship with the opposite sex. Whereas in adolescence information about sexual problems should be started, so that adolescents do not look for information from others or from sources that are not clear or even completely wrong.
Therefore sex education given to teenagers was very important. In order for teens today really understand the meaning of free sex and know the negative impact arising from free sex. Starting from the risk of failure in achieving a higher education, failed in designing the future of the teenagers, the risk of unwanted pregnancy, as well as the most terrifying was the risk of being infected by a venereal disease.
The role of parents in this case is also very big impact. Good for shield children from things like that, providing direction and always monitor the child, for example by always knowing who their friends they hang out. Teaching with sex should start from the immediate environment of children, so children will be able to control themselves when they are outside the parent.
Name : Jelika Marwati
Class : I- B English Department
After reading that article, I agree if sex education be given to teenagers. According to me, that is because teenagers need more knowledge and education about sex. Not only issues of sex and sexual relationship, but also in it there is human development including anatomy and physiology of organs especially the reproduction organs, also human relation between family, friends, boyfriend and marriage, and then sexual behavior, sexual health including contraception, prevention of sexually transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS, abortion sexual violence. Sex education also can prevent most of teenagers to do free sex.
If we know sex education early and clearly, teenagers will be thinking many more to do that. Teenagers also can control their sex behavior, so the teenagers more than savety. According to me, on sex education, important function of parents is very needed. Beside sexolog, doctor, etc. parents or family is the first one we get science about everything including sex education. Parents must understand what must they do in order to teenagers want to share and not hesitate to communicate about sex. Parents must thinking about that. Don’t let the teenagers share about sex to the wrong person.
Name : Prafita Sintiani P.
Class : I-E
Sex education is very important for adolescent. Because many adolescent don’t know the dangerous of free sex. Free sex can cause many disease; one of them is HIV and AIDS. Many people in the world dead because this disease. Sex education not only for adolescent but also for their parents. The parents must take care their child from free sex. So, with sex education for adolescent know well hoe to take care their body.
In my opinion, I really agree to this education about sex education. As a teenager, we need a good education and of course an educaror who could teach us about education of sex. We know that teenagers have still a labile psychology so we could get bad effects which caused by free sex easly if we don’t have any knowledge about it.
We have to understand what effect that will be given by free sex. So this kind of education would be so important for us. It will give many advantages for us. First, wewould be aware that free sex will bring very dangerous effects. Second, we would know and never do this bad activities. Third, we would have good knowledge and we could teach it to next generation.
Name : Mochamad Roful
Class : 1f
English Department
I think this kind of education is very good because we can get knowledge about sex well so we don’t abuse sex freely that will bring bad effects for health and our behaviour especially for teenagers because there are so many teenagers don’t think the effects if they have their pleasure in making love.
Free sex will bring very dangerous effects for us. First, it will demage our menthality acts. Second, it will cause very dangerous deseases. Third, someone who does this act will be pushed away by other people. That’s why we have to care ourselves from the bad effects of free sex.
Name : Taufiq Achsan
Class : 1f
English Department
This is a good topic and i have two opinion about sex education..
Firstly, i disagree about this topic because Indonesia is a religion contries. many people in indonesia has religions. there are Islam, Kristen , Khatolik, Hindu , Budha and etc. in our religion if people talking about sex education, they think it is a taboo problem. and word "sex" in indonesia still has negatif thing. almost all the people of Indonesiahas mine the word "sex" connecteced about pornografi, pornoaction and etc. and I have good solution , i think we must change the name of "Sex Education" with "Healthy Reproduction Education".
Second, in the other hand i agree about It because sex education imported through shcools can prove to be a significant and effective methotd of bettering the youngster's sex-related knowledge, attitude and behavior.
Name : Yudith Septrianto
Class : 1G
Sex education is need for the youngers, we know that many parents disagree witg thiis idea maybethey think that its can damage their children. If we are know that Sex education just learning about some anatomy, not learn about how to do that. Its important because the world has improved and in our country has followed western culture.This is can take care our children from free sex.
Name :Risa Fatimah
Class :1-F
NPM :10. 1. 01. 08. 0225
I disagree with there are sex educatian in our life. Because sex education are of one problem which shouldn’t be done. Sex education can damage future us. It can damaged society of the youngers because as far I know sex education just be done for person who has mariage Its not for the children.
Name :Ria Jurianik
Class :1-F
NPM :10. 1. 01. 08. 0221
I agree with this article because sex education is very important for young generation. It is useful for their devoloping. Sex education is a matery that given to teeneger that countain about baby birth, pregnant, the function of sex organ,dishes because of sex ,etc. It can give and improve their knowledge about sex. Actually, with good sex education our young generation can be less free sex,criminalitas. By sex education our young generation will become the strong generation and good generation. If you know in the big country there is special channel in television that used for introduce about sex education for young generation. By training and traning about sex education, meeting that talking about sex education. That is one of the way that we can be given to our young generation about sex education. So, the main point i agree with this article. Sex education is very important and sex education must be given to our young generation.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Honoreble Mr. Kuntjojo
About “Sex Education to adolescent”
The statement is true, because sex education must be given to adolescents, even as before adolescents should must be given sex education. So that adolesent know that free sex is very danger, and can inflict disease. So role parents help too, that is sex education don’t be respect of taboo, but that problem can be learnt. From the all, adolescents must understanding religion science for keep to life themselves future.
This is a very good topic
I think sex education is very important. because today's promiscuity is already a commonplace. current teen always wanted to try something new without knowing the consequences. teens think more of a pleasure to live. in Indonesia is very little about sex education, so parents are very important role to monitor the development of children so as not to fall in case of no good, therefore, sex education is in need for an early age, so that young people become better, by avoiding free sex and juvenile delinquency
Name : Erma Afnia
Class: IG
I think sex education for teens is very important because with the education that young people know how the dangers of promiscuity. during this highly popular teen free sex with his name, they mostly imitate television, with free sex then they will not feel outdated. With the free sex education starts early, waking the teen to stay away from such thing as casual sex among teenagers and sex education is a process for obtaining information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity and relationships. Sex education can also help teenagers to own a capability, so that they can act according to what they believe with confidence. it can also help them to avoid the occurrence of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and AIDS transmission sickly. An important role in that it is parents, friends and environment.
Name : Sufi Daris Maliha
Class : IG
I think sex education for teens is very important because with the education that young people know how the dangers of promiscuity. at present many teenagers who do sexs free, but they did it wrong. then in the presence of free sex education starts early, waking the teen to stay away from such thing as casual sex among teenagers. An important role in that it is the parents, who do counseling health, friends, and the environment
Name : Nurul Sriwijaya
Class : IG
Name : Nurika Devi Yuana
Class : 1-B
I think sex education for adolescents is very important to reduce free sex environment or juvenile deliquency, because it’s very disadvantage especially for female. sex education can help adolescents to understand and know about risks of free sex. In this part, educator and parent role very important to explain its risks and also give more knowledge about it, so that adolescents will not flop and they can protect themselves, so adolescents have good future as nation generation.
thank you
Sex education in my opinion is very important. Right now, many problem happened besause less knowladge about sex education. Adolescent want to know about everything which they don't know before. They like trying something new without know what effect and risk from that. They do not regret before they are get the effect from free sex, in example. Sex education must be given since childhood.
Hopefully it can decrease the problem of uncontrollable sex behavior. Government and parent figure must be increase. But sex education can't be given by forcing. It must be given by affection.
Name : Angga Ria Permatasari
Class : 1-A English Department
I think sex education for adolescent is good and important because by giving sex education they can understand about human sexuality clearly and they can control not to do free sex. They also can know and understand how dangerous free sex.
But talking about free sex in fact most of young generation do free sex because most of them get a wrong society before they are given sex education and they understand about the dangerous of free sex. Talking about the dangerous of free sex, HIV AIDS is the dangerous one, and until now there is no cure to secure them from it. But they can also use condom to avoid it.
Name : Harma Puji Kurnia Lendra
Class : 1-A English Department
Talk about sex education. I think it's important for adolescents. Because in the fact many of adolescents get misinformation from media like television, books, magazines, Internet, etc. they also shy to ask their parents about sex. Although they need all of the information about sex, but their family never teach sex education to them.
As we know that adolescents have many problem. The main problem is uncontrolled sexual behavior. We know that in the fact many of adolescents fail school, because they can't control their sexual behavior. They have risk of unwanted pregnancy. They also have risk for infection with sexual transmitted. Because of it adolescents must be given correct knowledge about sex and the effect of free sex. In order to help them in relationship skills and help them to make decision for the future.
Sex education has many porns and cons in social life. Many people and parents think that sex education is very vulgar to be talked in schools. But they don't know that sex education has many advantages for students. One of the advantages is it can teach them the knowledge about sex correctly.
Name : Malinda Dian Hendrawati
Class : IG
I personally agree, sex education to teens is very important. Lately, the life of teens is getting bad every time. (You may say agree or disagree). They can not control their life. These changes actually affected by development of sexual characteristics. They start to enter puberty time. This time then causes development of sexual behavior for example having tendency attracted to another gender and also having intention to make love (sex intercourse).
In addition, there have been so many accidents because of uncontrolled sexuality behavior. For example; abortion, unwanted pregnancy, sexuality abuse, etc. In conclusion, through sex education is the best way of preventing teens uncontrolled behavior. Lat but not least, by having knowledge about sex education, it is fervently expected that teens will have sense of high awareness about the risks of sex and the importance of morality values in daily life.
FITRA WP(Transfer Class)
I personally agree, sex education to teens is very important. Lately, the life of teens is getting bad every time. (You may say agree or disagree). They can not control their life. These changes actually affected by development of sexual characteristics. They start to enter puberty time. This time then causes development of sexual behavior for example having tendency attracted to another gender and also having intention to make love (sex intercourse).
In addition, there have been so many accidents because of uncontrolled sexuality behavior. For example; abortion, unwanted pregnancy, sexuality abuse, etc. In conclusion, through sex education is the best way of preventing teens uncontrolled behavior. Last but not least, by having knowledge about sex education, it is fervently expected that teens will have sense of high awareness about the risks of sex and the importance of morality values in daily life.
FITRA WP(Transfer Class)
sex education is very important because the existence of sex education teenagers will know what is meant by sex and the dangers of sex, so that each will do something in their behavior will think in advance and they can keep something that is uncontrollable.
Sex education will also help reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies, especially for young women and reduce HIV-AIDS sufferers. parents play an important role in guiding their children to form and the introduction of sex education.
name: yanik suhartini
Look at the condition of adolescences in our country, it’s really concern. Because almost of them have not good behavior again, and it makes many problem for their life. So, I agree that sex education should be given for adolescences. Why ?? Because according to me, with sex education it will help adolescences to have good behavior and future in their life. Sex education brings many good effects for them, for example; they will complete their school well, they will avoid of the unwanted pregnancy, they will avoid of horrified disease (HIV/AIDS), and etc. So, I think we have to give support in this case.
But, the problem from this case is: that sex education for adolescences can be success which support by good educators. Its means that educators are the main key that bring adolescences will have good behavior or bad behavior in their life. Because not all people can be the educators in sex educations for adolescences, so we have to choose the educators correctly. And the great educators in sex educations for adolescences are: they have to understand about the meaning, then the aims, and the materials of sex education needed by adolescences. So that, adolescences really understanding about their responsibility to prevents their uncontrolled behavior.
Name : Nita Yusika
Class : 1C
i think about sex education to adolescents is very important for us. because in sex education, there are many information for us, especially for teenager. with the information maybe can make they know about the effect from sex and to make they was not brought down in free association.
and as a parent, we need to be fully a ware of what our teen is taught about sex at school for two reasons:
1. we want to be sure that the information is complete, accurate and reflects our family's value
2. we want to be sure that you are prepared to answer question our teen may have
as we know, comsehensive sexuality education is a program that starts in kindergarten and continous through high school. however, the feeling of teenager is still "labil", they always want to know about new something and new experience, especially about sex. so... as a parent we must give full attention to their association. we must control with whom they have intercourse. if they intercourse with the good people, is ok. but, if they have intercourse with the bad people, we must to forbid them soon. i think thats all about my opinion about "sex education to adolescent" thank you.
Name : Desita Ragil Saputri
Class : 1-B / English Department
Everything that called education is always good, like wise sex education. Sex education is given in order adolescent could have controlled sexual behavior so that it will keep their health and their future. Nowadays there are so many cases have happened because of uncontrolled sexual behavior that damage their own life. In this phase parents hold an important role to direct the children to discover themselves.
I think parents’ role is more important than sex educator’s. How could I say that?
The first reason is that family is the first place to socialize. It means that a child gets his or her first education in this place, even sex education. Even parents can give this education to the child in a very young age. For example, parent will teach the children not to go wandering without any clothes. In addition dr. Boyke also have ever said that parents can teach by giving order to the children to close the bathroom when they have a bath.
The second reason is the fact that sex education most commonly given in a formal germ. It is okay for children that come from sufficient family and get education in a school. But how about children that come fro poor family?. They may be won’t be able to get this education from the sex educator directly. In this condition certainly parents’ role is very needed. They have to do their duty that is educate their children. They probably don’t have knowledge as much as sex educator’s, but at least they could teach the children to be a good people and to have good or controlled sexual behavior.
From now on no matter sex educators, teachers or parents have to play their role in giving sex education. Moreover sex educator have to try to give the education to the poor children outside formal germ.
Name : Mujiatun
Class : 1 A
Name: Toyyibatul Utami
Class: 1E
English Department
I would to give my opinion about sex education to adolescents.
I believe free sex is the cause of sexually transmitted diseases as such as HIV/AIDS and that is could be the cause of death. Free sex happened because many factors. There are broken home, mass media and friend.
Many people in the world don't know about the dangers of sex. So, sex education is the best solution to adolescents so that can make healthy body.
I think that's my opinion, thank you for your attention.
I think, Sex education should be given in public or society as soon as possible to overcome the problems that have existed in Indonesia for about 8 years up to now such as free sex, juvenile delinquency and the like. Most of Indonesian can hardly get information about sex education. So. The government or education institutions should give it by giving regularly sex education in village or district for all over areas in Indonesia.
Thank you very much..
Name : Sofi Nurhidayat
Class : IB
Major : English Department
First, I’m absolutely agree with this article that explain the importance of sex education. Cause a lot of adolescents don’t understand with their condition not only physic but also mental. That’s why they need a person who can guide and give them more information about their condition completely and the risk that they should take if they are too careless in their sex behavior. Not only teenagers but also parents should start to give more attention to their children in adolescent. Parents can’t ignore and even let them grow naturally without any supervision from them. Although indirectly they can be the educators too.
With this article we just know that as long as this time we are too busy to think about the teenagers and their adolescent period that they face not correctly. It’s so sad that we have to face that reality. Hope we are all in the presence of sex education among adolescents can provide explanation and simultaneously directing them to a better direction.
name : Anne Christira Nencylia
Class : I A / ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2010/2011
Sex education is really important to be given to adolescent. By sex education, hopefully it can decrease the problem which caused by uncontrolling sex behavior. For example married by accident(MBA), HIV/AIDS and other risk. The figure of sex educator, teacher and parent are important to give knowledge about sex education and to be controller of their children for parents and their students for teachers.
Name : Yuli Rofita
Class : I A / ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2010/2011
When I grew up there was NO sex education at all in the schools. And neither of my parents ever talked to me about sex. The first time I really talked about sex was when I was 18 years old. I doubt that's the way my parents would have wanted me to learn about it. so,my opinion I would like to see sex education part of the curriculum from the very beginning of school. Age-appropriate of course (for example, with little bitty kids you'd just teach them awareness of having a body, owning your body, etc.) And eventually over the years teach about sex, its emotional impacts, recognizing sexual feelings, different lifestyles/sexual preferences, etc. I'd like everyone to be open about sex education and stop making it such a taboo topic. Make it part of education all along. I think this would help in cases of child abuse too ,if a child is being sexually abused they might not even be really aware of what's happening without knowledge of sex,. I think it would cut down on teen pregnancy.And I also think it would help promote understanding and tolerance of different sexual lifestyles/preferences.
Thank you.
Name : Nastiti Ika Widhiarti
Class: 1-C
English Department
In my opinion, sex education to adolescent is very important. Adolescent should know their sexuality and how to control their sex behavior. Adolescent should be given sex education to prevent them from dangerous. If they didn’t get sex education, they will have high risk for fall in school, unwanted pregnancy, infected of some diseases, or even death.
Sex education is not only given by the professionals, but also their teacher and their parents because their teacher and their parents are closer to them and know their behavior. Their parents should have good communication with them. They can share about their daily activities and their experience. Parents should give good education for them. Parents can ask them to choose good friends and good environment because it can affect their sex behavior. Parents may give them freedom, but they should obey the rules. Parents should supervise their daily activities. They also should also be given religious education. Teachers can also give them sex education in their school, but it must be given according to the rules.
Name : Agita Resturina Fajarika
class: I-C/ English Department
the testimonials above showed that this article is perfectly correct, but my mind says that all the things in the world are nothing when God's power is unknown. I mean, beside controlling our desires, human should get closer to God's blessing,have good religion in order to achieve whatever they want..
my conclusion is that I couldn't agree on it less. human beings are nothing without God's blessing, so get closer to God.
thanks you
Sex education must given now, cz at the moment many people espically adult don’t know that sex education very important. At the moment , sex in Indonesia like have usuall, parent or teacher must give about what’s sex education, whats are the aims of sex education, how should sex education to adolescent. Reality at this country, many adult have do sex before marriage. Uncontrolled sexual behavior like this harms health and the future of adolescent. There fore it must be prevented. It can prevented if parent, teacher or people at their environment give sex education with deepend
Name : Adjeng Ika Y. P.
Class : IG
Sex education for adolescents is urgently needed, given the very many teenagers who have sex freely, besides the impact of inappropriate sexual behavior is very dangerous. In addition to infectious diseases that impact is the failure of a teenager in the forward in their education.
Sex education given to teenagers in the hope teenagers can control themselves in sexual conduct. So that when they do that they have been fully prepared with what to responsibility Young women must be prepared to accept the risk of pregnancy for example. Parents also must participate in order to gave the sex education, in which case they serve as a companion who can be interlocutors. So in order to provide sex education, parents and educators have pearn a very important and both should be able to perform its role properly so that teens do not have the wrong perception about sex.
name : Rif'atus sa'diyah
class : 1 E.b inggris
npm :
Like explanation above, I strongly agree about sex education to adolescents with the purpose of acquiring information about human sexuality such as conception, pregnancy, child birth, sexual behavior, reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases etc. It is a way to decrease and stop sex abuse in order to minimize the negative effect of sex abuse in Indonesia at the moment. In 2010, base on jawa pos news paper there was a big scandal about sex, the student of senior high school in Surabaya make their own pornographic film, that’s proving that the student doesn’t respect to the principal of education and Indonesian culture that is morality.
Sex education has to enter to the curriculum in junior high school or senior high school with a lesson or lecture in the class because here is the time to educate adolescent and give them knowledge to prepare themselves to go to adult period. The are so many negative factor that influence adolescent in their life, it make them to be the weak generation and the result of its problem who adolescent take a wrong way to do everything. The right education for the suspect and the best method to express the sex education will guarantee to make the best generation with morality and responsibility. They will do everything the best in their life and get a good achievement.
If the government can do it fast, we can stop sex abuse in adolescent’s life right now and attitude of adolescent will seem responsibility in their life. We can imagine if there are so many adolescent in Indonesia get infection with sexually transmitted diseases and gonorrhea, one of the sexual diseases, spreads through sexual intercourse like the information above, we will not see the best Indonesia generation in the future. In other side, sexual abuse opposite with the regulation. It is caused decreasing faith of adolescent.
It is enough to state any policy to enter sex education in Indonesian’s curriculum in order to stop any activity about sex abuse and sex diseases in Indonesia.
Name :Bela Febty Werdhiningrum
Class:1B /Pend.Bahasa Inggris
Sex education is very important for adolescent.Especially for younger adolescent have age 12-14 year old.At this period they not yet too understanding about sex.Sex education had given to explain sanitary of reproductive organs,how to do good sex behavior in order to not happened undesirable pregnancy and also for preventive of infection of sexual disease. So the parents became good friends and became the first as conveyor of sex education for them adolescent.Especially for girls adolescent, mother is very important because at at her younger adolescent first menstruated happen , they not yet understood.They need tuition in explanation about menstruating and healthy lifestyle to maintain of reproductive organs.
In my opinion, sex education is very necessary, especially for those students who was a teenager because of the curiosity of the adolescent teenage years are enormous. With the existence of sex education is expected to be a fence to limit their association, because it feared a huge curiosity could lead them to promiscuity.
Promiscuity causes teens to lose his future, but they can also be affected by various diseases such as HIV / AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea and others.
In addition to the high curiosity, there is less attention from parents, too limitation of the child by the parents can also make a child interested in doing promiscuity. My advice, parents should not be too limiting association of children, giving more attention to the child, telling him about her life, about school, and parents get children to talk openly about the problem at hand.
Besides the role of religion is equally important to limit the things that could plunged the child to promiscuity.
I think sex education is essential if in use for the things that lead to learning. however, when sex education on the one used in the negative direction as sexual acts among teenagers due to trials that include the wrong things. in response to cases like this the thing to do is to provide guidance to a student about proper sex education and at the same function. because this is when do teenagers certainly can not control his own desires and thus could sek become essential daily needs. so the role of teachers / lecturers and parents is essential to establish the character of a teenage sex education respond to the problem.
name : annisa ni'matul a
npm :
kelas : 1A
actually, sex behavior in adolescent is natural. They begin like with other, their organs sexual begin work. but, if it is uncontrolled can cause moral problem, pregnant before married and get harms illness.
so sex education for adolescent and must doing to avoid pregnant before married in adolescent and decrease abortion.
in other hand may be sex education need to be applied in curriculum school and must was given early
name : Anis Fariza Usmani
class : 1 - G
Name : Moch. Habibulloh
Class : I-F
My opinion about sex education Adolescence,it is very important for Adolescence to Know sex. It can helped Adolescence to attitude growed them about sex,and it is controled Adolescence to take steps carefull. Now, a lot of Adolescence didn’t know about sex education. They usually do free sex. They can’t control the want feel know about it.
If a lot of Adolescence didn’t know about it. So, a lot of Adolescence became target from free sex. And they will struck HIV/AIDS desease,pregnant before married etc. And effect from free sex, they will failed in education School and heavy depression.
Actually, sex behavior in adolescent is natural. They begin like with other and their organs sexual begin work. But, if it is uncontrolled can cause moral problems, unwanted pregnant, and get harm illness.
so, sex education is important and must doing. Maybe sex education need to applied in curriculum school. on other hand, sex education must given early. If sex education given when adolescent maybe they were known more about sex and most of them wrong perspective. So, sex education very useful because adolescent necessary to get appropriate information about sex.
name : Anis Fariza Usmani
class : 1 G
I think sex education for adolescent is very important and become a necessary. Because nowadays, based on the trustworthy source many teenagers have done sexual activity. It becomes a great concern for us as a teacher candidate. So, we should understand about sex education for our students later. Sex education can be a capital in morality attitude during associate between students. Morality education, aesthetics, and environment are very influential in teenagers’ maturation process. And it can be a reference in their association.
Sex education could be given by children closest person. Like parents and teachers. Sex education could be given in early age, but in different way like tell them about their reproduction organ and its usage. What should or should not do to their organ. It is so important to tell them about it, because it can minimize the sex abuse to children that become an issue now. Children can know how to appreciate their self and each other too.
Name : Brigitta Ayu Dewanti
Class : IB
NPM : 10101080049
Adolescence is indeed a phase where they began to change. as has been written in this paper the changes development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.if the changes that occur are not properly supervised and given stock of knowledge which will result in very danger.because of that sex education is very important indeed to be given to the adolescents. sex education for teenagers should be given from people who really have an extensive knowledge about it. although parents and teachers should play a role in providing education about sex to teenagers because they continue to educators, especially parents who are be able to control the child's condition 24 hours. By providing proper sex education we hope teenagers understand the meaning, purpose, and adolescent sex education materials. So they will not be abused sex education that they can
Name : Agustian Fajarwati
class : 1 A
In my opinion,the education of free sex must be learning since early.Because if since early already know about education of free sex will more easy for understand and understanding the result from free sex.When a child on adolescent age,adolescent rubber to large is very susceptible and influenced by submit to free.Without awared,if actually they done dissolved the live their selve.Pregnancy in early age can reason the school be broken off,and than the danger from contaminate disease.
Name : Ratnasari
Class :IC
Sex education is very important for us, because sex education can give us about information that is sex is very dangerous for adolescents.
So, I hope if sex education also giving to student. it can help to decrease about free sex.
Name: Nurul Rahmawati
Class : I-B English Department
I think sex education is very important for teenagers. Because teenagers is a phase of human development then they have labil emotion and want to try all of what they don’t know. So, they need to protect of what they may or may not to do.
Sex education is not only information about sex, but also human sexuality including conception, child birth, sexual behavior relating to health, psychological, and sociological aspects. It is viewed as the best way of preventing teenagers uncontrolled behavior. So, they must understand about the sexual problem. In order to they think again if they want to do something. And they will be afraid with the bad effect.
I hope we are understand about sex education. And keep better, keep our health also keep our future.
Name : Gessy Twi Permatasari
Class : IB
I strongly agree with sex education. It must be given for us and must be given with correct way. If it not be given in correct way, it can cause some problems. Sex education is very important to be learned, specially for adolescents. Because adolescence is a phase of human development where by someone experiences dramatic changes from a sexual to sexual. These changes mainly are marked by development of primary and secondary sexual characteristic. And then this development causes development of sexual behavior. And if it expressed uncontrolly or against the morality values, it can lead to severe problems or it can cause a big mistake such as fail in school, unwanted pregnancy, and high risk for infection with sexual transmitted disease. And also it harms adolescents. It is harms the future and health of adolescents.
So that sex education must be given and adolescents must know what is it and what are the aims from sex education itself. But sex education should be given naturally, objectively, undoubtly, and repeatedly. And sex education should be taught by educators who mastere it. It should be taught by specially trained teachers or professionals or by trained peer groups. Parent must know it. They must know their child sexual development. They must give guidance to them. Not only educators and parent, but also the adolescents themselves must know it and be careful with it.
Hopeful sex education can prevent adolescents’ uncontrolled behavior. It will be success if its exercution based on the right understanding about it. So adolescents not do free sex. Because they are nation hope and young generation who will continue Nation Destination.
Thank you.....:)
I think this problem is very important for our life, epesially for teenagers. Because this problem wiil be dangers if we don’t uderstand definitions about sex education.
In this education we can some knowledges to respon sexual behavior. I can’t image if we don’t understand about this problem and how to solve it.
Name : Nadya Charlina Sari
Class : IG
sex education is very important given to adolescent, because it can be self control for them and if they knew about the effect because of bad sexual behavior. they will not try free sex.
with sex education they will also know knowledge about sex, sometimes less knowledge about sex education they got into free sex. and sex education must given early.
name : Cahyaning Wahyu G.S
class : 1 G
I think sex education is very important to adolescent because with early sex education they will more careful in associating. IF they do not know about sex from the begining , they will fall into free sex.
The parent was intrumental in the formation of character. and adolescent should be able to control themself.
name : Mariyati Retno
class : 1 G
Sex education is very important to teenagers. Especially in adolescents who had just turned teenager, because they are not children either body shape or way of thinking and acting, but not too adult. So they are still prone to the abuse of social environment around. This is due to the norms and values in our society considers sex education is still taboo to talk openly and only an adult problem.
As social beings, humans can not be separated from others. Similarly, the adolescent, it requires interaction with others to reach maturity. But not so among most teenagers today, which ultimately will lead to teenage slang dimensions of consumer culture. Only change something that is ingrained about some of today's youth is not easy. All this requires a synergy of all parties, both parents, families, community leaders, government, and our own role as a teenager who will live in a frame of "GAUL" itself.
name : mia rohana
class: 1-C
Why not about Sex Education?
Adolescence is a period which a people moves from childhood into adulthood. In adolescence.easy with something that negative influence.Now, Sex education is important to reduce that free sex in adolescence. Free sex caused their parents don’t care with them, the wrong user of IPTEK, nothing sex education in this school because it is still taboo so that lesson not learned early on, although sex education very important. From that impact the teenegers know that about the dangerous about free sex so they will not do it.
I think learning sex education not only in adolescence but also from chilhood, the important thing is the way to explain how is a free sex with easy language and easy to understand for children also. Because progeressively the parents learn by giving clarification about sex to children, they will understand how danger of sex and will easy to remember when they are adolescence.
Our sex life squad was extremely influential, especially among teenagers if they can not control and control himself, the result is bad. They will fall even going to suffer with the result that they do. Sex education among teenagers is essential, in order to give lessons and knowledge about sex and the negative impacts of the sex.
With sex education among teenagers also help teens find out the disease caused by HIV and AIDS through sexual relations hitherto unknown what the medicine and how to cure. In addition, with sex education can reduce pregnancy at a young age that can lead to rupture among school girls. In this case required a trained and professional people to educate. No less important role of parents in keeping her daughter's son is very supportive
Name : Megawati susanti
Class : 1E
I agree with the sex education provided to adolscents because with the sex education of adolescents can control himself and adolescents deviant behavior can be aware of the dangers of casual sex. such as HIV/ AIDS and other venereal diseases. so that teens can think of his future with a positive activity that is useful for themselves, their families and communities.I think sex education should be given to every teenager anywhere and anytime.
Name :Evi Susanti
Class :1E
Sex Education is very important. So it should at least learn about the danger and how to be safe. Because sex education can help prevent the spread of sexual diseases, understanding the difference between male and female. While sex education would ideally be provided by parents. Such sex education would probably be most effective is it was incorporated in a broad educational programme concerning human relationship, including attention to personal responsibility, moral, religious aspects of sexuality.
So that’s why, we could help adolescence to have a better awareness about sexuality and could help promote healthy, because without sex education adolescence will learn about sex from porn movies.
Class : 1 - F
I think giving of sex education items to adolescent non way of most exact to control sexual among adolescent because in giving of items education of sexual beside need circumstantial knowledge, intellegence and ability of educator in submitting it, a educator also have to be careful and brooding in chosening items sex education of what is required by that adolescent, as which explained under consideration above, because if happened by mistake in forwarding of it, hence exactly will become weapon killed the holder.
To prevent the happening of behavior of sexual which uncontrollably, controling and instruction of parents is more especial, if parents can control and observe at the same time limit assocciation of its childs hence god willing, deviation of behavior of sexual will not happened more than anything else free sex.
name : Dian Margaretna
class : I-G
As we know adolescent is a young people who has feeling which is always curious and want to try everything, because they are brave and they still can be bob up and down easily by a new thing which makes them want it or get it, so I think it's a good idea to give the adolescent sex education.
Sex education for adolescent, it's important, it's quite important. Adolescent needs it so that they will know more about sex. We know in this era not only in abig city the adolescent do free sex but also in a small city, it's very apprehensive. So by sex education I hope that it will be useful for all the adolescent, because it gives them more knowledge and comprehension about sex. They will know everything what's the disadvantage and advantage about it, so by this education it may makes them avoid to do free sex.
Class : 1 - F
sex education is where a child is already experiencing puberitas, they already know the opposite jenis.dan education is very important for children because it can inform you that this is permissible and should not be in lakukan.Pendidikan sex is given in bit by bit so that children can learn the importance of control diri.Seiring with the times young people today are very memperhatinkan, they lived very freely and pergaulanya memprinhatinkan.jadi its nothing wrong if young people are now many who become pregnant outside of nikah.Mereka thinking disregards the momentary pleasure future now nya.Anak young mentally was much damaged they distribute it to the opposite sex with sexual intercourse. So with that mental and learning needs in benahi.Para sex parents should be alert to his children, especially children perempuannya.Mereka Arm should be in a strong religious education and learning proper sex education.
With the existence of sex education is hopefully the successor of the nation does not fall with weight problems. They must be smart to determine his future. Many young people fall into problems with free sex. Do not we as young people falling prey to the novelty. Sex education is also not arbitrary diberikaan granted. In addition to parents and teachers there that convey such as doctors, psychologists, and counselors.
I think the introduction of sex against children is very necessary, because otherwise the child will enter the sex education provided in the association free sex,, The role of parents in this are needed,, parental knowledge about sex aimed at equipping children to understand the differences between men and women.
Name : Tyas Aji Sebastian
Class : 1 F
I think sex education is very important because, sex education are of one problem which shouldn't be done. Free sex can cause many disease, one of them is HIV and AIDS. Maybe with any sosialization about sex education can icrease aware them.
Sex education should be given early and as a deciding factor, families must provide more oversight, especially in young adolescent girls. So, adolescent haven't high risk for fail in school and can be better generation for the future.
Name : Hilda Aditya N.
Class : I G
I think sex education is very important because sex is one of problem which shouldn’t be done. Free sex can cause many diseases, one of them is HIV and AIDS. Maybe with any socialization about sex can decrease aware them.
Sex education should be given early and as a deciding factor, families must provide more oversight, especially in young adolescent girls. So, adolescent haven’t high risk for fail in school and can be better generation for the future.
Name : Hilda Aditya N.
Class : 1 G
After read this article, Iagree with sex education article. sex education is important because sex education help teenager know what is mean by sex and the danger of sex.
Talking about the danger of sex,HIV AIDS is the dangerous one,and until now there is no cure to secure them from it.
Sex education has many porns and cons in social life. many parents think that sex education is very vulgar to be talked in schools.
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